2 🥀

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"Well maybe you should stop me then daddy."
My eyes fluttered as Kim's lips pressed heavily against mine, his thumb against my cheek as he stood so close to me I could feel the heat from his skin. My hand reached up and around his neck like before, and I pushed his lips harder against mine. He groaned quietly, his hands slipping down and gripping my hips hard.

"I'd rather die than put you in the friend-zone baby girl," he whispered, his hot breath causing the hairs on my neck to stand up and goosebumps to rupture down to my fingers. His lips pressed to the skin connecting my neck to my shoulder and I shuddered, gripping Kim's t-shirt as he kissed up and down my neck. "I want you right now boo." I nodded, but we both seemed to remember where we were. We pulled away and looked around the corner, noticing Landon on the phone and Kim's back pocket vibrating. We walked around the corner, Landon raising his eyebrows at the both of us but saying nothing. My cheeks and ears were burning as we walked back inside, Kim squeezing my hand before walking towards the stage in order to finish sound-checking. I flopped on a beanbag, the effect of the weed wearing off slightly as Jordy sat next to me, smiling.

"Where did you go?" He asked, passing me the pills and I put them in the change pocket in my jeans.

"We sat outside because I felt funny, I smoked a lot." I laughed, blushing before going on my phone, my eyes widening at the amount of followers I'd gained in the past hour. I'd gone from about 2,000 to nearly 15,000; people evidently thought I was Kim's new girlfriend and were wanting an insight to what was going on. I locked my phone before going with Jordy into the main room; we were told we could stand on the small balcony at the back of room or we could go in the crowd, it was up to us. I knew where I wanted to be. I got a double vodka lemonade from the bar (Kim paying for it even though I insisted he didn't) before standing right in the middle at the front. He stood in front of me. "Kill it boo."

"I'll be so distracted with you standing here," he whispered, touching my cheek. I blushed before he kissed my lips gently. "See you after." I nodded before he walked off to the side, slapping Landon around the head when he mocked how Kim had touched my cheek. I stood at the front, singing along to the different tracks they played as people began to come in. A few people came up to me seeing as they'd seen me on Kim's Instagram, and I just explained that my brother was best friends with Landon, pointing to him on the balcony. A few girls said he was gorgeous and I laughed. "All the girls in my year fancied him in high school and college, he's only a year older than me so we're like best friends." A girl next to me hadn't taken her eyes off of him; I smiled.

"Sorry. Bit creepy of me isn't it?" We laughed before introducing each other; she was called Macey and lived in Sheffield, and we bonded immediately over our love of music and drugs and raves. "Come a rave with me this weekend!" I nodded eagerly, and we exchanged numbers before Kim's support act came on. I screamed when I realised it was Bexey, and I started singing along at the top of my voice to Nightslayer, crying when Peep's verse came on. Me and Macey spent the rest of Bexey's set screaming all the lyrics.

"Yo do you want a pill?" I whispered to her and she nodded before we headed off; security showed me the way backstage and I ran up to Kim, jumping on him before giving him a kiss. I looked at Macey, her jaw on the floor. "Don't tell anyone." She crossed her heart and I laughed before grabbing two cans of Red Bull from the table before we stood in a corner, taking one each of the orange pills. Kim furrowed his eyebrows before walking away, not saying anything to me. "I'll meet you at the barrier." Macey nodded before walking away, smiling at Jordy as he walked past her. He told me Kim had gone outside and I ran out, finding him in the alcove where we had been earlier.

"Why the fuck did you take that?" He was clearly angry and upset that I'd taken drugs.

"It's just a bit of fun, Jordy presses them so I know they're safe," I replied, and he looked at me, calming down. "I don't take shit when I don't know what's in it, not since..." I didn't want to continue, knowing perfectly well Kim would hate me if he knew about the rave. I shrugged it off before he seemed to come round, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and hugging me tightly. I was coming up slightly, the feeling of gripping his t-shirt in my hands becoming strangely nice. "Shit I'm coming up I need go in before I get sick. They the kinda shit you need to dance on." He nodded and we went inside, Landon grabbing him and yanking him away from me towards the stage as I made my way back to Macey.

"Yo your pupils are crazy!" She shouted and I laughed before posing for a photo; my laughter was so loud the crowd went quiet when I saw the state of my eyes and face, the flash causing one pupil to come out red and the other yellow with my lips in a strange smile. I posted it to my Instagram, not caring what people thought.

@g1g1: yo let's set shit on fire 🔥 @lilskies @maceyjay
@lilskies: I'll only have eyes for you tonight

I blushed, before screaming and putting my phone in my bum-bag as Kim came on stage. Macey's eyes were rolling and I put my arm around her shoulders so she knew she was safe as we began screaming the lyrics for Welcome to the Rodeo. Kim interacted with me continuously through the whole show, but I was upset he hadn't played Red Roses earlier like he had done at his previous UK shows.

"Gonna get someone special on for this one," he shouted, but with Landon already on the stage everybody was confused. "Gi get up here." My jaw dropped, jutting out and sideways as I gurned, and I sighed before putting Macey's hands on the barrier so she was stable before slipping through the crowd. Max (Kim's security guard) lifted me up on stage and I sat cross-legged in front of Kim. "She so fucked up right now but still most beautiful gal I ever seen." He began singing to me, and I held my hand out to him and he took it before crouching in front of me; I mouthed the words with him, too gone to talk. His eyes burnt into mine, a slight flash of worry in his eyes by the state I was in but he didn't let it interfere with his performance. He stroked my cheek, and I smiled before he turned to the fans. I was too high to understand what he was saying, I just sat in a daze as he closed the show.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2018 ⏰

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