*Important* A/N

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Ok guys... here's the truth. I'm SO sorry for those of you that have requested covers and I never got to them. I haven't really been on Wattpad much anymore and making the covers used to be fun, but then it became a burden.

I started this cover generator almost 2 years ago, and I made so many more covers than I ever thought I would. But when I started high school last year, my free time got less and less and I stopped going on Wattpad as much. I fell behind on the covers and they just kept piling up. Some of the requests were really detailed as well, so they took a long time, and it was hard to make them look good. Looking back, some of those covers were honestly not that good >.< But nobody asked for a redo lol.

Anyways, the point is, I've kind of fallen out of Warriors. I'll probably be closing down the shop soon. But I still owe it to y'all who never got their covers. Now I know many of the requests were made a LONG long time ago, so if you guys are still interested, please leave a comment on this chapter letting me know. Then I'll look back at your form and try to make the covers as quickly as I can. Thank you guys for being so polite this whole time! Bye~

Warriors Cover GeneratorWhere stories live. Discover now