Kiss Your Career Goodbye..

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"W-What happened?" Seth's raspy voice muttered. I jumped out of my seat beside his hospital bed.

"You hit your head pretty hard and wouldn't move, got brought to the hospital." I explained.

"Fuck..did they say if I was okay?" He groaned. "I need to leave, we have a show tomorrow in Osaka."

"Well just relax and I'll go get the doctor." I instructed, heading for the door. I pulled the doctor in from the hallway, and we nervously waited for her to say the news.

"Nice to see your awake Mr. Rollins..I'm Dr. Morgan, it's a pleasure to meet you." She extended her hand.

We both watched as Seth shakily lifted his hand and shook hers slowly.

"So how bad is it?" He sighed, biting his lip. I knew he was bracing himself, for he knew it was bad news.

"'s uh," Dr. Morgan took a deep breath. "It's very severe, since you've had previous brain injuries, this is the final straw."

"W-What do you mean final straw?" His mouth dropped.

"I-I mean sir, it's under strict medical advice that you can't wrestle anymore.." Dr Morgan informed, before looking between the two of us.

It was quiet. Seth's face had dropped.

"Well, I'll uh, start copying off the medical bills and x rays, you should get discharged later today." She said before leaving.

As soon as the door shut, Seth broke down. Tears streamed down his face as he whimpered.

"I-I can't not wrestle! I-I've been doing it my whole life!" He cried.

"Seth, you can't risk your health or well being, for anything. I won't let you." I sigh, grabbing his hand. "We'll get through this together. I promise."

"I need to get out of here. Now." He said suddenly, beginning to rip the covers off.

"Woah there, slow down. You have to rest." I instructed, trying to sit him back down.

"Harper, please, I'm asking you nicely, get out of my way." His voice raised slightly.

"You wanna be stubborn? Fine." I scoffed, before clicking the emergency button.

In about point two seconds, three nurses rushed into the room. They guided him back to bed and then placed a sensor on his bed, so an alert would sound off he did it again.

"Now, are you hungry? I'm getting food at the restaurant across the street." I offered.

He shook his head, not looking in my direction. I strolled the kids out of the room.

I didn't even make it to the elevator when my phone rang. It was Hunter.


"Harper, tell me it isn't true." His voice sounded nervous. That was a first.

"A-About what?" I asked.

"Don't play dumb, there's photos all over social media of you entering the hospital with Seth on a fucking stretcher! Tell me what happened!" He demanded.

"Hunter, it's a long story." I sighed. "Can I talk later?"

"No. Tell me now." His voice was stern.

"Seth hit his head hard, and he can't wrestle anymore due to previous injuries already taking a toll on his brain." I explained.

He was quiet on the other end.

"A-And Your sure.."

"Yes. I'll text you pictures of the x rays and medical papers." I say.

"Please keep me posted about how he's doing." He muttered. "Are you guys flying back to the States?"

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