I don’t know how I did it but I unlocked the door and threw Timmy inside, locked the door and ran for the bathroom before I heard a bullet rip through the door and more shatter the windows. Than all is quiet. I wait and don’t hear anything which scares me more than anything. I think I hear heavy footsteps when I hear sirens in the distance and think someone must have heard the shots and called the police. I hear the truck scream away and I wait a few more minutes before unlocking the bathroom door. The scene is horrible.
The door is in shreds and the floors are littered with glass from the windows that were there just seconds before. The adrenaline subsides and I hear Timmy crying. I scoop him up and murmur soft words of love in his ear. He calms down a bit and I pat his back and before I know it he’s asleep. I lay him down in his crib and dim the lights.
I hear people rushing to my house and look down at myself. My Starbucks uniform is covered with glass and blood. Blood? I look in the mirror and see my forehead is cut and bleeding pretty bad. I get a towel and head over to my front door. Well what was once a door which is now just strips of wood held together by be- just then the door fell off its hinges and landed with a thunk on the pavement. I inwardly face palmed and sighed.
Great looks like my gut feeling was being stalked and shot not getting a good tip. Thanks gut! I owe you jerk!
I step over the door and find myself surrounded by police and medics. They ask me to count their fingers and I pass with flying colors. I can count! Vet school here I come! They ask me to get in the ambulance but I tell them I'm fine and I can’t afford it.
Just then. As I’m flirting with the bond nurse, Timmy decides to cry.
I sigh again and excuse myself. As I’m mounting the four stairs to my flat; I hear a blood curling scream come from Timmy’s room. Instantly the adrenaline is back and I race full speed into his room. An unfit man is holding Timmy by the hair with a gun pointed to his little head.
My Love, My Stalkers
Teen FictionAmerica the beautiful. Scratch that. America the corrupt A buffoon reigns over thee. And crowned with crap and debt to the trillions. From sea to polluted sea! That’s better. I was 18 then I moved to London. Much nicer and safer than the bloody U.S...