Chapter 6.

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Loki's POV:

It has been six months since my beloved husband Thor, went on a life-threatening quest to Midgard. Said quest stretched beyond any expectations of mine, as I believe that there is barely any hope left of Asgard's survival. Though our people mustn't know of the truth, I will protect them till I take my very last breath.

Last night, Odin Borson was pronounced dead. With my shivering cold fingertips on father's neck, I felt his pulse slowing down, I watched his soul leave a fragile, silver-haired carcass behind. Mother has been absent ever since.

Skies had turned black despite it being day, I can practically feel her, my sister that is. I gave my people and my dear husband's people an oath to protect them, and as I looked into Odin's dead eyes, I saw the future of Asgard in them, death, inescapable death if I don't come up with an inventive plan of action soon.

I took a precaution, drastic measures really, I fear I do not have a choice. Making my palace in Jotunheim suitable for Asgardians, was a challenge. Even I drop my fair, warm-blooded glamour each time I reach the gates of ice, our cold temperature will not benefit them. Alas, there is no alternative.

I had my scavengers find everything they could to comfort our future guests. And so with the glistening Bifrost open, Heimdal was leading Thor's beloved subjects to my home, one by one. I merely stood there, watching them, guarding them.

The winds raked through my raven hair strands like a reassuring hand of a lover, I let out a heavy, exhausted sigh, gripping my golden bridle harder. Little one, my beloved spawn in my leather-clad womb was feeling as uneasy as I am at the very moment. The tender bump has grown quite a bit, it's an utterly impressive size. No doubt our precious treasure, our Sven, has inherited his other father's size and bulk...if Thor likes this name, of course.  

A blinding light spread the clouds hovering over us, apart. It was followed by ground shaking, glass shattering, fierce thunder. Though I knew it was not my husband, the people knew it wasn't their king. Hela is close, oh so very close, I can sense it. Oh Thor, love, you're too late 

"Remain calm! I beg of you! You will be transported to my kingdom soon, endure. Have trust in your gatekeeper! Have trust in your King! On the other side, my royal advisor Øpir, will take care of you until I shall return!" 

Asgardians calmed down, stilled completely. Or so I thought they did until I realized they were staring at someone right behind my back, in pure fright and horror. A warm breeze went past my neck, sending shivers down my spine, I knew it was Hela breathing heavily from above, the anger was radiating off of her. 

"You're the new king? Pathetic, really..." Hela, with her low, growling voice hissed. If I could go back in months worth of time, I would. I swear I would have protected them better. All I can offer them now is a brave face. To make them feel safe, to reassure them, Like I know what I am doing. Give them hope, although false, but it would have done the trick.

So I turned around, facing her smirk of spite, with something much darker. I once swore to myself to never give into rage and mania. However, to save this kingdom, I'd have to tap into the darkest, deepest parts of myself and unleash that wild rebellious anger, that thirst for blood and freedom. I'll burn for them, I'll burn down to ashes if I have to as I fight this monster in front of me. For all I saw in her green eyes, was death.

"Lead them to my father's hideout, Heimdal. I'll distract her." was my last command before I made the ground swallow them whole, transporting them to the mountains where I'd have enough supplies to create a passageway to Jotunheim in no time. They shall find Odin's old, golden bunker there. 

"Has father gone mad? I mean obviously, what was his name? Thor? Yeah? Wasn't blondie supposed to take over this joint? Don't get me wrong, you might be qualified for the throne, but you're preggers dude." She mocked, sitting on her large wolf's back, completely unbothered. I looked tiny compared to her, pretty much as she pointed out, I'm quite pathetic on my white stallion.

 "He's just full of surprises isn't he?" I feverishly dreaded the moment our banter would end. I'd be putting Sven in grave danger to save thousands. It doesn't seem like a big sacrifice, now does it? One or two lives in order to save a nation? Yet any parent would be devastated.

"I know right, one moment he wants you to rule all nine realms alongside him and the next he is banishing you from your body. Who does that?"

"I know right? Rough. I didn't find out I was adopted until a few years ago. And then he lets his guards torture me in prison? Like what?" If it weren't for the circumstances, perhaps we would have gotten along.

"You don't say, wow that's kind of fucked up."

"Yeah, tell me about it." Her grip around her black sword tightened, she could attack at any time.

"I like you, brother? Adopted brother? Brother in law? I don't really care. The thing is, I might let you live, you know. If you leave now, I shall take over Asgard and rule as I please, while you shall never set foot here ever again. Do we have a deal?"

I stood silent, I need to buy some time, Norns fucking damn it, I need that time!

"I would be careful if I were you. Wouldn't want anything to happen with your kid, now would you?"

I could leave, years ago I would have. Not now and not when I know what she is capable of. 

"Sorry sis, we don't." 

"Your choice, king of Asgard."

....her cold, wicked smile shook me to the core.

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