Chapter Six: A Surreal World

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   A dark silhouette darted across the horizon of a wide oped field. The gleaming, crescent moon was observing the land, watching all life unfold. The strange silhouette's glowing, fierce flaming red eyes stared at the moon, taking note of it's phase.  

   "We are running out of time...the eclipse is coming closer..," a male voice as smooth as a cat's fur muttered. 

   The figure then dissolved into a most of pure darkness and disappeared altogether into thin air. 


   Himara woke up that morning in cold sweat of shakes. She acted as though she had seen a murder. Himara slowly sat up in her bed and slid off. The blood rushed to her head in a terrible headache, even though she made sure she went at a slow pace. Himara got changed into a mint green tank top and the same sapphire blue short-shorts as yesterday. She also slipped on a strawberry red, knit bolero jacket. 

   After brushing her very tangled, blood red hair, Himara decided to leave her waist length hair natural today. Bangs to the right, hair let to flow in the back. Just the way she liked it.  

   Himara stopped abruptly before she opened her chocolate brown, wooden door. The reminder that after school she is going to have to travel to this alternate dimension she's never been to and look for Crystal Keepers pinged into her mind. And also her...peculiar dream. For some strange reason, thinking about the dream made her full of anxiety, so she didn't bother to tell her aunt and uncle about it. 

   "I don't wanna make them worry about me more than they already do," Himara thought out loud. 


   The sun was shining its ever luminous rays of light onto the parched ground. There has been a bit of drought, for there has been little amounts of rain and constant humidity. The winds were back today, 20 m/ph but as warm as a breathe. It felt as though Mother Nature's soft breathe was being blown at Himara as she slowly made her way to Anthony Parks High School. 

   She didn't bother to wait for Airia today because of the way she has been treating Himara lately. Himara actually feels a craving to just not be her friend anymore altogether. It would be a huge benefit and a wait off her shoulders. 

   A wave of nervousness and fear suddenly washed over Himara and clogged her thoughts. Her heart felt like it was about to break through her chest.  


   She felt a daze coming through her mind and began to feel faint. 

   "I'm" It was the voice from the dream. 

   Himara tried to break through her barrier of fear. 

   Surprisingly enough, all her negative feelings were wiped away, as if by an eraser. She broke out of her daze and realized that she had just passed her High School. Himara turned quickly on her heels, and began to sprint to the school. 

   "What a great day this is gonna be..," she grumbled sarcastically.  


   All day long, Himara was wishing that the school day would go on forever. She was dreading going to another place. The only good thing about her day was that Airia was absent today. She also didn't bother to tell Skye about the dream and the voice in her head. Something told her she shouldn't and that it would just make things worse for herself. Himara walked as slow as a snail to her house, knowing that the second she went in her room, she would have to go. 

   When she arrived at her house two blocks away from the school, Himara noticed that both her aunt and uncle were gone. They didn't even leave a note as to where they went. They knew Himara was leaving, so why weren't they there?  

   Himara shook her head to get rid of the thoughts. She had to focus on what was about to take place. She is going to go to another dimension to look for other Crystal Keepers by herself. Alone. In a place she's never been to. She shuddered. Be calm, confident. You can do this! she thought nervously.  

   She made her way up to her room, took a deep, shaky breathe and carefully opened the wooden door. Inside, she discovered a similar ball of light in the center of the bedroom. This is it...once I touch it, I will be transported... Good luck, me! Himara encouraged herself in her mind. 

   She gingerly placed her left index finger on the milky white, shining orb. Once again, the orb exploded with a blinding, celestial light. This time, Himara only closed her eyes and took slow, deep breathes to try to calm herself. The pushing and shoving weren't as bad this time, and lasted shorter than before.  

   Just before Himara was about to enter the other dimension, Celestia's calming voice filled her mind. "Through all the challenges you must face, know that the light is with you. Listen to it, however don't let it control you. 'Till we meet again...Keeper of Fire...

   The light dimmed and real sunlight flashed welcomly on Himara's eyelids. She opened her eyes in excitement to see this alternate dimension of the place she lives in. She was downright mesmerized by the surreal beauty of this new world.  

   Himara was standing on a vast open field. The light asparagus green grass blew gracefully in the wind. The wind was much different from where she was from; it was strong and cold, balancing the temperature on the field. The wind's gentle, transparent hands played with Himara's hair and tickled her face. The sun was sending its illustrious beams of light onto the field. A smile spread across her face and her eyes closed in the peacefulness of this imaginary world. All her fears and worries washed away...nothing bad could happen here... 

   Suddenly, a deafening, strange noise blasted into Himara's ears and her eyes flew open. She watched in horror as the air ripped open and a shadow black wolf emerged from the maw only a few metres away from Himara. The wolf made a low, intimidating growl. It's feral red eyes were locked with hers, making Himara sweat with fear. It was time for her first battle. Himara quivered in her shoes and took a deep breath.

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