22 | All I ask

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"Y/n," Jimin said after waking up, he looks across his shoulder seeing Y/n next to him
"I'm listening," she said not moving
"I think it's time for me to go," he blurted
"W-what?! Why?"
"Because I've been here for a long time. About a month or two,"
"My friends? And my...my g-"
"Girlfriend?" Y/n added
"Yeah, that. They'll all start wondering why I've been here so long. I said that I'll be back after your back on your feet. And you're back on your feet. It only makes sense, I promise once she's back, everything'll come out. Then I can come back,"
"Just stay, Jimin. Please?" Y/n asked resting her head on his back
"...As much as I want to, I just can't. Everything's so messy,"
"Whatever gave you that idea? All I'm thinking of is what I'll say to Jiwoo, he'll be heartbroken to hear you'll be leaving I mean, he thinks you're staying forever!"
"I know, and I want to, I really do but..."
"But what? Just tell the boys, they're your best friends. You all have a bond where you don't judge, so what if they know? They could help keep our secret,"
"It's too risky,"
"Fine. When are you leaving?"
"Today if possible?"
"You're kidding?"
"Sadly...I'm not,"
"That's it, you're just gone. Like that?" Y/n snapped her fingers, "Again?"
"Hey, you know I'm not looking forward this either."
"Sorry, I'm sorry. This is the only right thing to do before other suspect things."
"I need to go out,"
"Before Jiwoo goes to school?"
"Yeah, we're running low on groceries again. And I need to fill my car up with gas and all the boring errands. And it's about time for me to look for a job, a better job."
"Look, just because I'm leaving, it doesn't mean I still won't help, I just won't be sleeping over."
"That's great. But I still need to go and get them done. You've paid enough for Jiwoo and me. It's my turn. You just get him ready for school and tell him I love him."
"Will do,"
Y/n lied just a little bit to get out of the apartment. It was obvious she didn't want Jimin to leave, she saw nothing wrong with him staying longer than expected. She didn't care what others would think because she was the father of her son, the love of her life, and all he was doing was being a dad. Sure, it didn't mean he had to live there but having his company on endless hours was what she missed.
Y/n saw herself texting Hayoon, it had been forever since she saw her and she just missed talking to her. With Jimin leaving, she was going to need her best friend's help too. There were some things Hayoon knew to do that Jimin had caught onto yet. But it was funny while he tried.

 But it was funny while he tried

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"I gotta finish my errands," Y/n told herself///Y/n walked in the door, walking in on Jimin who was zipping his suitcase

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"I gotta finish my errands," Y/n told herself
Y/n walked in the door, walking in on Jimin who was zipping his suitcase. It was actually happening, deep down she still didn't want him to go. He looked at the door, getting up instantly to help her with the groceries.
"...Thanks," she said admiring him
She felt like a shy little girl. He was so mesmerizing towards her. Starting with his kindness and ending with his heart. Y/n felt the same after her crush on Jimin got serious a long time ago. It felt weird, she thought the oldest of her feelings were gone.
"You okay?" he asked putting the milk in the refrigerator
"Yeah, I'm good. Thanks for helping me put the groceries up again."
"Mhm..." he smiled like nothing, "Oh, Jiwoo said to have a good day and he loves you too,"
Y/n blushed finding her son the cutest human being there was
"I love him," she said
"Me too," Jimin giggled
"Jimin," Y/n started, "It's weird, seeing you leaving...again, I just can't get over it," she said putting her hands in her pockets
"I know, but it has to be done. I wouldn't want anyone getting any suspicions. Trust me, I don't wanna leave either."
"I wish Jiwoo was here to say goodbye," she said with teary eyes
"This isn't a goodbye. Don't say that."
"But it is...I don't want you to go, not right now..." she said slowly
"Woah, this is harder than I imagined." Jimin walked over to sit down on the couch
"You're telling me..." Y/n turned away, "I've been thinking so hard about this day. Telling you what's been on my mind for ages."
"Well, what's on your mind?"
Y/n bit her tongue, "I'm...I'm in love with you. I always have been and I feel like my feelings are stronger than ever, and I can't just stand here seeing you packing your things and not feel anything. Leaving like this, keeping what we have a secret, it's tearing me apart! I can't take it anymore!"
"I know."
"I'm tired of waiting. I'm tired of things I love being taken from me, all I want is a happy life. And I never ever end up getting it. There's something that's always wrong."
"Stop crying, Kitten. Come here," he called for her
Y/n slowly walked over to Jimin, taking a seat beside him on the couch. Resting her head on his shoulder and putting her hand into his. She really was confused with her thoughts she did want things to be easier for her and Jimin. But they weren't, in fact, everything was all jumbled, to the point she couldn't process it anymore.
"You know I love you," Jimin started
"Yeah..." she whispered
"And I know this is hard for you. Personally, I hate seeing you all sad like this, I'd do anything to make you happy. I know you want all this to be over. But it'll be over soon, right after Seulgi comes back,"
"I don't want to wait anymore. I just can't, I want you back full time. Back for good Jimin."
"There's nothing for you to feel ashamed about. I want to stay full time too, Seulgi's meant to be back in a few weeks but I can't tell her I want to break up over text. It has to be done face to face. She deserves so much better. I'll try not to include you, I don't know how she'll take it."
"It's the right thing to do. But she won't be here in a few weeks..."
"But remember the boys. They'll be like you haven't moved out yet? Why not? They start wondering about me, you already know Taehyung's onto me."
"That doesn't mean you can't still come over."
"Who said I was gonna stop doing that?" Jimin joked
"It was just in case you forgot." Y/n smiled
"So..." Y/n looked in Jimin's eyes
"Are we trying again? For real this time?" Jimin smiled
"Yes, yes we are..." Y/n kissed his soft cheek
"I'll be back later tonight, Kitten."
"Okay," she smiled
"Now let's finish putting the groceries away

I forgot it was supposed to be in first person again, and I hope you don't mind because I'm not changing it. And I the chapter is a bit shorter than usual and I hope that's okay with you. Anyways, I do hope you enjoyed the chapter though, don't forget to read, comment and vote to help me out as a writer! I'd really appreciate it all, that's about all I have for this A/n. Bye guys, ~ParkJamjams

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