25 | Cooties

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"Hey, buddy!" Daddy said walking up to me after I walked out
"Hi!" I say with the same energy
"How was your day?" he asked
"It was good. We had a test today, and I got a 100 on it,"
"Ooh look at you getting good grades. You'll be the next valedictorian in your class,"
"Va-vale what?"
"Valedictorian, it's the smartest person in your class or grade. I was one,"
"O-okay, I'm gonna be the next va-val-valedictori-whatever you call it."
He laughed on the way to the car.
"Wanna go to the park as a reward?"
"First, we gotta go home to change you out of your uniform so you don't mess your clothes up,"
"Here's your milk," he handed me my favorite box to drink out of
"Thank you!" I say
"Alright, I'll be over there-"
"That girl...I said dropping my toy I took with me
"What girl?" Daddy smirked
"Over there with the long hair with a light blue spring dress,"
"Is there something wrong with her?"
"She goes to my school..."
"Oh! So you like- know each other?"
"...I don't like the sound of that..."
"I may have messed up a drawing she made for her Mommy."
"How'd you do that?"
"We were painting and since she wanted to paint something for her Mommy I wanted to make something for you and Mommy. So I painted a picture of all of us...but hers looked better than mine, I got jealous. But I really I didn't mean to spill all the black paint on it!" I cried
Daddy comes closer to me, calming me down. I have moments when I do that, moments when I can't even control it.
"Hey...it's cool. It was an accident, but does she know that?"
"Then you go tell her. It's a perfect time, I'll be watching you right here. That cool?"
"Sure," I smile
Daddy walks back to the bench leaving me all alone. That's when I knew it was every man for his own, so I walk over to the sandbox where she and her friends were. All of them looked just like her, if I was a girl I'd never put a dress on, they look so tight and I would not be comfortable. If I ever have a sister, I'll make sure she doesn't wear one of those.
"What's a boy doing here?" One of them said looking me dead in the face
"I can't play here?"
"No! You're a boy and right now it's girls only time."
The girl doesn't say anything, she keeps looking down.
"That's not fair..." I say looking over at her still
"Life's not fair!" Another girl said, "Now go play with your stinky boy group,"
"Girls..." She starts
"What did we talk about?"
"Be fair to everyone..." they mock
"I'm sure he's ni- YOU!" She screams
"Yeah, you! You ruined the painting I was making for my Mommy!"
"That's the idiot?" The girl in a green dress said
"I say we kill the baboya!" The other girl in a pink dress said
"Or!" I reason
"Or what?!" They all say
"Or...I explain what really happened..."
"Alright go ahead."
I look at all the girls who were watching me like hawks. It felt weird since I didn't even know all of their names, it's not a good thing but why would I know their names? I don't have any friends that are girls! I've never even talked to one other than my cousins. But it's different since I'm seriously stuck with them until I die.
"...alone," I slowly said
"You heard him. I won't be long, in fact, make it very short." She threatens
"Yeah, Yeah! Totally!" I say nervously
She gets up, walking in front of me to lead the way. I look over, a bit nervous since it was obvious she was scaring me. She reminded me a little like mommy, whenever she had to put daddy in his place. It would usually work. She took me to a tree where absolutely no one would hear or see us.
"I'm not just standing here to look pretty," she said with an attitude
"When you were making your painting...I thought it was the most prettiest thing there. It was better than mine, and...well you see, I guess I got a little jealous. But I let it go because I thought of how happy my mommy would be if I stuck with my first choice. But when I got up to clean my station my elbow hit the cup with the black paint, spilling on your drawing. I didn't mean to make you cry, I swear..."
"Are you telling the truth?"
"So, do you just live with your mommy too?"
"What do you mean?" I ask
"My daddy doesn't live with me and my mommy. He left when I was a little baby, mommy said it was the right thing to do."
"That's sad...Do you miss him?"
"I don't remember being with him."
"When I was two, my daddy went away for a little bit! I was starting to wonder why he left if he and my mommy still talked to each other, but he's back forever."
"Are you sure?"
"What kind of question is that? Of course, I'm sure, he said so!"
"Yes?" I asked shocked that she knew my name
"I guess I forgive you."
"For real?"
"Really, and now that I think about it you're not that bad."
"What does that mean?"
"I'm saying you're kinda cute."
"Huh?!" I panicked
I didn't understand anything at all. She called me cute, and only my mom calls me that when she's in the mood. Hearing it from someone else is new, and it feels different. So, I blushed while brushing my hair out of my face. And that's when I realized, I was doing what daddy does to mommy all the time. I still don't understand what any of it means, and now that I think about it, I don't remember my chest pounding. Was it my h-heart? I think that's what it's called. Then again, she was a pretty girl as well. I mean I guess she was. UGH, boys don't like girls! And girls don't like boys! What does this mean?!
"You're cute. Really cute, are you a secret Idol?"
"No...not at all, but you look like one." I tried to compliment her
"Well...I model a little bit."
"That's cool!"
"Not really, it gets tiring sometimes."
"You must be rich,"
"I dunno about that...but my mommy does have a nice job."
"What does she do?"
"She's a manager for a kpop group." she smiled
"That's insane! And really cool,"
"What does your mommy do?"
"...uh, she doesn't have a job anymore. But she used to work at this five-star restaurant. Her boss used to hurt her, and my daddy had to come and take her away from there, making her quit on the spot. It still makes me sad, but she's doing better. She used to tell me how one day she was gonna go back to school to become a chef, so she can open up her own business. And one day it'll be the talk of South Korea."
"Do you believe in her?"
"Of course I do! She works really hard, and love to see her happy."
"Jiwoo..." she asked again
"Are you...free anytime soon?"
"I need to ask my daddy,"
"Well, my mommy's here now and they can talk!"
"O-okay," I just agreed
She takes my hand walking up to her mom. I see daddy look over and watch his eyes get big, let's just say he looks a little funny like that to me. So I laughed. Haewon and I were getting closer and closer to her mom. She looked so professional, her dress looked really expensive, her sunglasses, designer and just her, in general, was amazing. One day my mommy was going to look like that. And when that day comes I'll be proud of her, she deserves it all.
"Mommy!" she sings
"Yes, Haewonie?"
"This is my new friend."
She pulls her glasses down, looking me up and down. Was that even normal?
"It's a boy," she said
"But he's nice. And he understands me," she nodded her head making her mom laugh
"What's your name?" she asked
"I'm J-jiwoo," I said nervously
"There's no need to be nervous, Sweetie. Where's your dad?"
"He's over there, looking over here."
"I see..." she smiled
He just awkwardly waved trying to seem normal I guess? I see him get up brushing his hair back. He does it all the time ya know, his hands were in his pocket and he looked ready to talk to her mom. Shaking her hand, they start talking, eventually setting a time and place to have a playdate.
"Your daddy looks like an Idol too!" Haewon whispered
"He's a dancer. Is that close enough?"
"Sure," she giggled
It was planned. Tomorrow after school Haewon and I were going to go do something I guess. (I wasn't really listening) I was happy and she was too before we left I remember her dancing around and all. I guess the girl idols were rubbing off of her at her mom's entertainment company.
"Well done!" daddy cheered me on
"My little boy's going on his first date- I meant playdate." he smirked, "And just wait until your mommy finds out!"
"It's not that big of a deal,"
"You may not think so, but it really is,"
"Whatever..." I smile looking back at her one last time for the day

Hey guys! I haven't posted ANY chapters for a while and I'm sorry! I was just working on this fanfiction actually. Alright, I hope you enjoyed this (LONG) chapter and it wasn't bad, don't forget to read, comment and vote to help support me! I'd appreciate it all, and if you'd like to follow my social media it's listed on my profile! Okay, bye now ~ParkJamjams

( OH AND THANKS SOOO MUCH FOR 1K READS! You don't know how freaking HAPPY I am now! Alright, bye for real )

( OH AND THANKS SOOO MUCH FOR 1K READS! You don't know how freaking HAPPY I am now! Alright, bye for real )

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