Glass (05.04.2014)

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     Once, there lived a glass girl. She lived in a beautiful glass house, with a perfect glass family. The whole World looked in and saw that it was good.

     Little did they know, this girl's glass heart was cracked, with light seeping out and darkness seeping in. So, as the World continued to smile on, the girl had to use all of her strength to keep from ruining the facade of perfection.

     One night, the girl's sister revealed a terrible secret. She, too, was cracked on the inside, and the cracks had become too large to hide.

     Suddenly, the girl's only hope of a saving grace was taken from her by her own flesh and blood, and she was drowning, unable to stay afloat in her new world of chaos.

     The glass family was broken, yet the World looked on with a smile.

     And the glass girl continued in her struggles, desperately scrabbling to keep from cutting herself on the shards of her broken soul.

     The girl's sister began to mend on a stolen opportunity, while the girl retreated further and further into her glass mask.

     Until, one day, her parents discovered the strings holding the mask together, and they pulled them, revealing the ugliness beneath.

     And the glass girl shattered, parts of her heart and soul and very being spilling into the floor of her glass house.

     Yet the World looked on with a smile.

     - K.M. (05.04.2014)

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