The storm

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The Storm 

Altair sat peacefully on the deck of the Procella. The salty sea breeze blew through his hair and he enjoyed the warmth of the sun on his face. His uncle controlled the boat with skill and they were able to sail for almost three days without interruption. They both did research in the Mediterranean. Recently Altair discovered a document that claimed, Aeneas Really existed. It looked very old but to determine the authenticity he headed to the UK. It was the nearest place where they were able to determine it correctly. Of course he could have taken a plane, but he preferred travelling by boat. Altair hoped that he would not be disappointed. If it was real... Most of western history needed to be rewritten. "Altair!" his uncle shouted. "Altair! Stop dreaming and come inside. Slowly he opened his eyes and hoisted himself. "What is it?" He asked with his heavy hoarse voice. "Someone needs to prepare lunch and it won't be me", replied his uncle. "And bring your stuff inside. You never know if it will rain. The young man grabbed his stuff and went inside while greeting the rest of the crew. He then started cooking. When he was looking through the window he saw the sun was blocked by a pack of thick dark grey clouds. His uncle entered the galley with an anxious look. It will storm. I threw the anchor. Sailing in a storm like this is pure suicide. "Altair was disappointed. "But then our investigation will be delayed", he protested. His uncle sighed and his gaze slid over the dark gray sky. "Maybe I can go on for another hour, but really no longer than that." Altair cheered inwardly. Every minute was important. He was way too curious about the origin of the document. His uncle left the room and he continued with his task. Half an hour later a delicious soup was simmering on the fire. He went to find his uncle and the other crew members to say that they could go to the table. To get to the wheelhouse with his uncle, he had to cross the deck. The cold sea wind cut through his thin T-shirt and he was almost blown away. The boat rocked more solidly every second and Altair held on tightly to the railing. It took him a lot of effort to get ahead so he decided to go back inside. He turned around and saw nothing more. The sky had become pitch black and the waves were getting bigger every second. Stiffened with fear, he felt the adrenaline rush through his veins. A wave of cold seawater splashed over him with a new wave of fear. It thundered so hard that the storm Vergil had described two thousand years earlier was nothing compared to this. "Mom! Dad! "he shouted. "Why could not you take me into your grave. Why could not I die with you in the war? I envy you! Your death was fast and brave. But if this is my destiny, I will accept it. "Altair wanted to burst into tears, but he held himself. Tears were not brave. The ship swayed back and forth. His hands could barely hold the railing. When a giant wave engulfed the boat, the power of the water prevailed and Altair was thrown out of the boat. He gasped in the cold water and looked for some grip in the wild sea. However, he weakened quickly and his muscles became stiff from the cold. A chill penetrated into his bones and water filled his lungs. He tried to get out of the water one last time, but everything became black. Altair started feeling light and woolly in his head. Life slipped away from him and made way for death.

An answer to some questions that may have arisen

Is the document that Altair was given in real? Who knows? It has never reached England. It was in Altair's pocket when he was thrown overboard and got lost.The Procella also sank during the storm just a few hours after Altair drowned. There were no survivors. The wreck of the boat was never recovered and no body could be buried. The story takes place in the second part of the twentieth century and Altair is an American who lived in Greece. His parents were killed in the Vietnam War. His mother had disguised herself as a man to go with her husband. They had left their only son with his uncle. Altair had also wanted to fight along in the war, but his parents had forbidden him. That is why he went to study archaeology and when he learned that his parents were dead, he moved to Greece where he immediately found a job and not long after that the mysterious document.

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