Chapter 11

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A/N sorry it's been so long guys! Swamped with school, extra long one to make up for it:)

Beep! Beep! Beep! My alarm went off at 6 in the morning. I used to be able to wake up at 6:30 and be out the door by 7:30, but now I have to pick up Lara Jean at 7:30, and she's up my ass about being prompt. I roll out of the covers and open the curtains. The sun is almost fully risen, and I can feel the warm air through the window. I pause and inhale. Today's gonna be a good day, Kavinsky.

I grab a clean shirt and shorts from my closet and set them down in the bathroom. The floor is cold, so every time I walk on a tile my toes curl Swiftly, I turn on the showerhead and make sure the waters warm. I set my towel down and get in. I let the water hit my face and it feels good. The heat helps me wake up with a relaxed feeling, and my muscles aren't tense anymore. I clean myself up, get out, brush my teeth, and get dressed. I don't need to shave, my skin is completely clear. It's a blessing and a curse. I turn off all the lights in the bathroom and head back into my room and grab my homework off my desk. I'm careful not to forget anything, as my school has a really strict policy on forgetting homework. Once I know I'm set, I check the time.

6: 45

I have just enough time to eat. Her house is 10 minutes away, so technically I don't have to be out of the house until 7:20, but I want her to be impressed, so I'll leave at 7:15.

As I'm eating my cereal, my mom walks in. "Hey Peter, sleep well?" She said. I smiled and nodded. "Good. I was worried, you were up early this morning. Why were you up so early, anyway?"  She said as she scrambled around to find work papers. I stiffen. Do I tell her about Lara Jean?  I have to make a quick decision. I have to, I can't lie. "Yeah, I just have to pick up, ah, Lara Jean." I say as if it's completely normal. She stopped what she was doing and looked at me as she leaned on the Kitchen island. "who's Lara Jean?"
"She's the girl I'm-"
"Lara Jean Song-Covey? The girl you had a crush on in sixth grade? That Lara Jean?"
"Yeah. We're like, kinda dating now? I'm not sure?"
She smiled. "Well, good for sixth grade Peter."
"Yeah he's excited."
"I haven't seen her in years! Is she still as pretty?"
"Yeah.." I trail off, "she's got these pretty blue eyes, and her hair smells like peaches all the time, and her smile is so white and pretty." I hold my head in my hands. What the hell was that? I think as I snap out of my daze. My mom's smiling. "Good," she said, "I'm glad your not with that piranha anymore."
"Gens not a piranha.."
"Yes she is! That relationship was more toxic than a nuclear power plant."
I slumped in my chair and look at the time
7:25 Shit!!
"Shit! Mom I gotta go, we'll talk later" I grab my backpack and run out of the house and into my car. I fumble with the keys for a bit, until I'm finally able to start the car. I make my way to Lara Jean's house by 7:35. Not bad.  I think to myself and smile. I see her sitting on the porch with her sister, and both of them walk up. I unlock the car door, and she opens it and says, "Is it ok if we drop my little sister off at the elementary school?" She asks. "She has to be there early for a field trip!" I'm annoyed now. There goes my good mood. "Why didn't you mention this yesterday?"
"I didn't know about it yesterday!" She exclaimed. The kid behind her looked uncomfortable, and I softened a little. "Lara Jean, this is a two-seater."
"I know that, I'll just put kitty on my lap with the seatbelt over us." I give her a disturbed look. "Lara Jean, that isn't-"
"It'll be fine!"
"But what if-"
"It'll. Be. Fine! It's two miles!"
"Fine. Get in" I say, as if they already aren't.

We're on the road now. I'm so scared I keep driving under the speed limit to avoid getting pulled over. "Hey, whats your name?" I ask the kid.
"But everyone calls you kitty?
"Everyone who knows me calls me kitty. You can call me Katherine." She said agressivly. I'm taken aback, almost scared, when I say. "You're tough."

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