Raven Soul: Chapter 16

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Blake's pov:

I told Blair I'd bring her somewhere the next day so she could get her answers. She took the news pretty well. No screaming or crying, I was impressed. She wasn't normal and I liked that.

Maybe that why I decided to claim her already.

When I told her to wait and was holding her face I claimed her. Mentally of course. But everyone with magic would know she's mine. And hopefully soon everyone would see she was mine. I was planning on asking her out soon.

I told her to meet me back here tomorrow for one reason only. Once you claim someone you can't stay away from them for to long. I don't plan to.

After I dropped Blair off I went to The Cave. I worked here to much. Almost everyday, all day and sometimes at night to. Nikko would only hire certain people. Only ones he trusts. He was doing a great job keeping traitors out. We'll almost a great job.

Despite all I've done for him I still was on the good side. It would be very hard for some people to believe I was actually good. Especially if they knew what I did for Nikko and Kade. But that was the past.

"Your late." Kade said when I arrived.

"I noticed." I said.

"What's more important then your paycheck?" Kade asked.

Many things.

"I got stuck in traffic." I said.

"That's hard to believe, no ones up at this hour." Kade said.

"Kade it's ten thirty." I said.

"People sleep in here." He said.

"It doesn't matter, I'm here now." I said.

"Don't be late again, Dad will think something's up." Kade said.

"Sure." I said.

Sense no one came here for breakfast except one homeless guy I swept and cleaned dishes that people left out. After that I took out the garbage and waited for people to show up. I was the only one working today so I hoped no one would show up.

By two that afternoon Nikko let me out, no one was here. Then again it was Sunday and people were freakishly religious here. It was kinda odd.

As I was going to my truck I felt someone watching me. I turned to see X leaning against the side of The Cave.

"X what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I need to talk to you." X said.

"Get in the car, we can't talk here." I said.

She nodded and walked over to the car and hopped in like she had working eyes.

"What's up?" I asked once we were off the Main Street.

"Have you claimed her yet?" X asked.

"Yesterday." I nodded.

"Does she know?" X asked.

"No." I said tightening my grip on the wheel.

"Good." X said.

"Is that all?" I asked.

"No. Her birthdays this month, I just don't know when. You need to figure out and we need her at the pool." X said.

"I'm seeing her tomorrow." I said.

"So does she know everything?" X said.

"Almost." I said.

"Are you going to tell her?" X asked.

"Later X, I'll tell her later." I said.

"It might be to late then." X said.

"It won't." I said.

"It might." X said.

"When are you going to tell her about you? Not your powers, your real secret? Hm?" I said.

"That doesn't matter." X said.

"Are you kidding me? If I have to tell her so do you." I said.

"Fine later, but before her birthday." X said.

"Fine." I said.

"How's Horse?" X asked, changing the subject.

"Worse. How's Lion?" I asked.

"Faltering." She sighed.

"How are we going to fix this?" I asked.

"I don't know. Have you talked to Rocks?" X asked.

"He has no idea. Neither does Alba." I said.

"They have the same problem." X said.

"Yea. Not Blair though." I said.

"So odd." She said.

"Tell me about it."

Everything was odd now a days. Nothing was like it was supposed to be and it sucked.


Lots happening here! Anyone know what going on??? If you have an idea let me know.

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