Chapter 20: Raven Soul

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Blair's pov:

One day until my birthday now and I couldn't be more nervous.

Yesterday I sat in my room and tried to think of a way I could actually kill Kade. Yet nothing came to mind. I couldn't kill him.

'Maybe Blake's just using you to do his dirty work.' Owen had said.

'Shut up Owen.' I growled.

'I'm just saying, family feuds don't usually end well. Maybe he just doesn't have the heart to kill his own cousin. So he gets you under his spell and makes you do it for him. It won't matter if you die or not, as long as the jobs done.' Owen said.

'You don't know anything.' I said.

'Actually Blair I know a lot more then you think I do. I came to warn you and watch the show. If your not careful though there won't be much to watch.' Owen said.

What if he was some how right. What if Blake was using me?

'He is!' Owen said.

I tried not to think about it but Owen kept suggesting that Blake was using me. Today I ignored him and went to River's house.

John and River tough me a lot in the short time but I could barely remember half of it.

"River I'm not ready." I said.

"I don't think you ever will be a hundred percent prepared for what's to come. I don't think anyone would be." River said.

"What am I going to do? Walk into The Cave and stab him?" I asked.

"No that would cause a scene and you can't just stab a demon, that will only piss him off." River said.

"Have you ever had to kill a demon?" I asked.

"No, only hunters." River said.

"How do you kill a demon?" I asked.

"You have to restrain him. There's no way you could fight with a demon and live. Restraining a probably the hardest part, and you can't do it alone. Your going to need a steel chained net or something. Then you have to mix together all these ingredients for a potion and make him drink it. That will turn him to ash and he'll never wake. Or you could chain him in hell and he will suffer there forever. Unless someone manages to open the gates." River said.

"This is madness." I said.

"I'll help you. So will Blake and Alba, John to."

Blake. Was he really using me?

"Why do you think I have to be the one to kill Kade?" I asked.

"Your the strongest Seeker yet. We can feel the power radiating off you even before your birthday. No one has even been close to that amount of power. Kade's one of the most strong demons that ever lived. If he has to die, it will be by your hands." River said.

"What if I can't kill him?" I asked, even though I knew the answer.

"Then were all dead."


The next morning I felt the same. How was power supposed to feel like?

I expected to feel invincible, no longer tired, happy maybe? Nothing changed though. 

Now that it was my birthday and I had powers, well it least I think I do, I didn't have to worry about hunters or Kade trying to get me so I went grocery shopping alone.

It felt weird doing something without the protection of a friend or Alba, but it also felt good. 

After I found everything on the list that consisted of:

-Red grapes

-Organic meat

-Almond and Coconut milk



- Lettuce


I checked everything out and carried the few bags to Alba's old car. She never drives anymore but she kept it for me.

The blue paint was chipping off all over and it was rusting but it still worked.

Just as I put the last bag in I felt someone grab my arm.

I turned around and Kade.

I quickly yanked my arm back and shut the trunk.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Lots of things Blair, and your going to help me get them." Kade said.

"I don't think so." I said.

"Blair you will help me, or your friends going to pay." Kade said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Katrina, I'll kill her if you don't come with me." Kade said.

I sucked in a breath.

'Don't show him your nervous!' Owen said.

"Why would I go with you? I can't do anything for you." I said.

"Blair, nows not the time to play games, I know that you know about what I'm talking about." Kade said.

'Play dumb.' Owen said.

"I don't know what your talking about." I said.

"Yes you do! I need you to open those gates for me and I need you to do it tonight." Kade said.

"What gates? What's going on?" I asked.

"You have know clue? Wow, I expected more from your grandmother, your friends." Kade said.

"I don't know what game your playing but I don't want to be involved." I said.

"It's to late for that, your already in the game." Kade said.

That when I ran to the door of my car and jumped in.

I turned the key and the engine groaned but didn't start. Kade was walking over now, not looking happy.

"Come on, come on." I said turning it again.

Kade was right next to the door now.

I turned it again and again as he punched the glass from the window.

Glad shards went everywhere and hit my face and arms. I hissed in pain and ducked.

Kade unlocked the door from inside and opened it. Then grabbed my by my hair and yanked me out.

"Help! Someone help!" I screamed.

"They can't hear or see you darling. The perks of being a powerful magician." Kade said.

"Your not a magician, your a demon." I growled.

Kade suddenly stopped and I yanked my hair back. He seemed to be in shock. He looked to be in a far away place. What the heck was going on?

"H-how do you-" Kade stuttered, still not moving.

I quickly took the chance to run as far from him as fast as I could.

I pulled my phone from my pocket and dialed Blake then held the phone to my ear as I ran.

"Hello?" Blake said.

"Blake, I need you to come get me." I panted.

"Are you ok? What's going on?" Blake asked.

"I'll tell you later, meet me in the outside of Main Street." I said.

"On my way." Blake said.

Let's just hope I get there before Kade finds me again.


I know, I know. It's short and boring. I haven't been able to figure out what in going to write next so I'm sorry. Sundays the only day I don't have XC and I usually sleep a lot that day. Lol


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