Chapter 35

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"Yo Jay?" I heard Charlie's voice.

I turned over in Dave's bed and looked over to him.

"You hungry? Lu just got us some take out" he asked me.

I nodded my head no.

"Jay come on you gotta eat" he sighed.

As I was about to respond we both heard the front door open and closed. Charlie looked outside the door to see if he could see Lu.

"What up" Lu said to whoever it was.

"Hold on" Charlie closed the door and went to have a better look.

Closing the door behind him, I turned over and buried myself under the sheets again. I was restless and didn't know what to do.

I heard a knock on at the door and then the door slowly opened. Hearing it close I thought it was Lisa coming to check on me again.

"Lisa?" I asked.

"No" I heard Dave say back to me.

Hearing his voice surprised me and I unraveled myself from the sheets. I turned over and saw he had Easton in his arms, he kissed his chubby cheeks making him smile.

I pushed myself up so I could sit against the headboard. I looked at Dave's long legs crossed at his ankles, he was in sweats which let me know he just got back from traveling.

"Hi" I said lowly.

"Hi" he leaned over and kissed my temple.

I closed my eyes and tried to keep myself from crying again.

"Lu and them bought food, go eat some"

His demeanor was entirely too calm for me which was confusing. I shook my head no, I had no appetite.

"You got to eat babe"

"Yeo?" Charlie knocked on the door letting himself in.

"What's up?" Dave asked.

"Baby boy on a schedule, it's lunch time for him" Charlie smiled picking up Easton from Dave's lap.

Closing the door behind him we were left in silence. Dave slowly put out his hand to me, I reluctantly placed my hand in his. He closed it and gave me a squeeze. Bringing his hand up, he kissed my knuckles.

"Remember what you told me about kissing my knuckles?" He asked, breaking the silence.

I shook my head no, not remembering what I said.

"Beside it being sensual, you said it reminded you when a Queen would kiss her King's hand" he continued.

"Regardless of what's going on between us, you still my Queen and as my Queen I have to protect you. If that means my life at all cost, then that's just what it is." He kissed my knuckles again.

He was speaking so smoothly and calm it's like I had no idea who was sitting next to me. After what happened and me going against the grain, I just knew he was going to be a raging bull.

"I love you and nothing or no one can change how I feel about you" he continued.

"You're not mad at me?" I asked because I was curious.

"Mad at you for what? This life is my life and I know you wasn't going to skip out on turning in work because I got you caught up in some bullshit" he sighed.

"Do I wish you would have had Lu or Charlie with you ? Of course but again I can't expect you to move like you been about this life when you're not" he continued.

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