Cold as Ice...

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Austin stumbled into high school. *sigh* his senior year. Sure to be full of romance and love. He leaned happily against his car, which was a giant Dr. Pepper mobile. He picked up his pizza roll themed backpack, slipped on his bad dragon hoodie, and marched into the school. Determined to start the school year *without* being tardy.

It was a cold fall day, almost winter, but Austin felt a shiver cross over him. Not from the breeze. He turned his head and saw him there. At the other end of the courtyard, with his clique. Austins crush since middle school, Cody Cod. Boy oh boy was there a fine piece of man, Austin thought lustily as he glanced towards Cody. He noticed Cody staring straight at him, that must've been what that cold chill was. Austin shook his head. Nonsense. Must've been the cold right?

He tugged his jacket closer to his body and clutched his straps tightly. He scurried into the school, unbeknownst to him that his crush's gaze followed him until he disappeared inside.


Time Skip


Austin waited impatiently through the first day of school, once the final bell rang, he ran out of the school, running down everyone in his way.

"Uwah!!!!!" He roared happily. He slammed his backpack onto the ground happily and ran to his truck.

"Time to never come back here ever because its not relevant to the plot anymore!" Austin whooped

He was about to get into his truck when a pale white arm, covered in a silver studded black leather jacket slammed onto the truck, stopping him from opening the door.

"Where're you headed hot stuff?" Cody purred into Austins ear, sending more chills down his spine.

Austin turned around slowly, facing his crush. He was terrified. He had not even heard Cody sneak up on him like that!

"C-cod-d-dy kun??" Austin stammered. "N-nice to see you here." Austin finished, laughing nervously.

"Just thought. Since we arent coming back here. I should get to know you a little better, outside of school perhaps?"

Austin blushed and smiled. c"S-sure Cody Senpai- er I mean Cody-kun!"

Cody laughed. "You can call me senpai if you must, my little kohai. But I prefer Daddy." He said with a smirk.

Austin smirked and lowered his eyelids. "Okay, Daddy. Where do you want to go?"

Cody pulled out his phone, marking a spot on his GPS.

"Drive us here, fast. We need to be alone. That'd be nice right?" Cody said, not creepily at all.

Austins eyes sparkled in excitement. "Sure! I've never really talked with you before! But following you to an area I'm not familiar with sounds great!"

They got in the car and started driving.

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