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Three days later, Louis is watching his laptop in his room, the boys won't let him have a TV in his room as they want Louis to be social with them, they don't want him turning into a closed off rebellious teenager. He's been off school for the last few days which he's relieved about, it hasn't stopped the abuse from his classmates and especially George though.

He's just scrolling Facebook and deleting the abuse as he lays across his king size bed in his grey sweats and blue T-shirt when he hears a knock at the door.

"Come in" Louis says and Harry is quick to open the door. He's dressed in his work gear, black skinny jeans and a black button up undone to his chest. His hair sits neatly in a quiff that's starting to get a bit longer around the ears.

"Hey kid" Harry says, he leans on the door frame arms crossed across his chest, Louis can't deny how butterflies erupt in his stomach, he's fallen hard for Harry and thinks he's so hot.

'Hi" Louis says shyly as he sit up, forgetting all about his computer.

"How you holding up?" Harry asks.

"Um I'm fine" Louis says.

He's been doing okay, he misses Jax like crazy but he's been trying to deal with his feelings, he still has no appetite and isn't as talkative, but he's okay.

Harry looks at Louis, assessing him, seeing through his exterior.

"Listen I was wondering" Harry starts and Louis looks at him.

Harry sighs, Louis is so adorable, Harry walks over and sits on the bed next to Louis.

"Wondering?" Louis asks.

"I have the day off tomorrow and I was wondering if you'd like to come to my house, watch some movies, maybe I'll even make you dinner?" Harry says smirking, trying to sound confident, inside he's freaking out, maybe he shouldn't be asking, maybe Louis isn't ready to date someone, maybe Louis doesn't even like Harry.

"Really?" Louis says shyly, eyes lighting up and the perfect smile stretching across his face.

"If you'd like too, yeah" Harry says.

He reaches out and moves a piece of hair off Louis forehead, Louis can't help the feeling in his stomach, the way Harry is looking at him, the way his lips are so pink and perfect, the way he's so gentle and soft with Louis and no one else.

"Yeah, I would really like that" Louis smiles.

Harry's face splits into a massive grin

"Great, it's a date" Harry says.

Louis insides go ballistic.

"A date?" Louis asks cutely.

Harry winks at him and hops up.

"See you tomorrow I'll be here at 9" and with that Harry is gone.

"You're quiet tonight kid, you okay?" Drew asks as they are all sitting down to dinner, Louis is just playing with his food.

"Um....well" he starts.

"What's up bud?" Edward asks.

"Well I think......I think like Harry... like.. I think he asked me out but I'm not sure" Louis stutters out.

The boys all break out into grins.

"He did did he?" Scott smirks.

"I mean like, he might not have, its stupid forget I said anything he's just probably feeling guilty about something" Louis says shaking his head, how could he be so stupid to think Harry would ever like him or find him attractive, plus he's 10 years older than Louis.

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