The Knowledge

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There was this island in South America that wasnt really explored that much and  it so happens to have a jungle in it, so Steve Jobs and his companion Dave set out to the island. When they got there they noticed it had nothing in it other than weird bugs under some trees, so they explored the jungle while trying not to get bitten by the bugs. Then they heard a loud sound that sounded like a horn, so they went straight to where they think the sound came from, while they where going to the sound, a storm of arrows fell from the sky, but David his robot assistant, produced a transparent shield around them, Steve Jobs was amazed on his own creation then they tried to hide, when they hid, the storm of arrows disappeared, when they hid they found a giant area of space in the middle of the island, coincidentally its also where the sound came from, "do you think?" said by Steve Jobs, David nodded. So they went there in a quiet stealthy walk so the arrows wont find them.

When they went there they found thousands and thousands of Snoop Dogs around a giant temple which didnt look like the temples

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2021 ⏰

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