lunch break

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"Aaaaahhhhhhh" yanna was shouting some people stared at her but she didnt care
           Yanna POV
Oh my gosh dessert pizza "aaahhhh i buying you now" ohhhh did i just scream that out loud, i dont even care anymore "one dessert pizza pls," i say to the lunch lady while i hand over my money, "sorry but that girl got the last one,next stock is next week, sorry..." she answered back and my heart just shattered, i really wanted that dessert pizza "whyyyyyyy is life so cruellll" "what now!?!??!" Jisung asks me as she continues to eat her food "no dessert pizzas.." i answered back in a sad tone, "uhm okay but theres this guy in class thats really cute and his name is ..... i honestly dont know" jisung tells me while she chews her  food "oh that guy with a hoodie, anyways the guy i saw is way cuter and he is..... i dont know either"dayon butts in the conversation "okay im still sad  about that dessert pizza thing by the way!!! " i tell them while their both talking about the two boys they met "you can them tom you know" jisung answers back "next stock is next wee, you know" i answer back in frustrated tone "your still paying my 10 dollars, you know" sehun tells me as she butts in the conversation "shoot, i forgot about that well gotta eat now so-" i get cut off when the bell rings, was lunch really that short!?!? "See you guys later!!!"

       Ps. This was a short chapter, i made this just because i wanted to tell you guys that im back! Im updating every friday thanks for reading !!!

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