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Hi people, I'm Colin, but you can call me Cole, and that evil dwarf in the corner has way to many names to write them all down.

Evil dwarf says: I'm taller than you, just to make it clear.

He actually is, but no-one cares.

You may be a little confused, as this  account used to be mine and mine only, and even I don't know what exactly happened. Fact is, I've decided to share it with my brother-from-another-mother, as I felt lonely.

Plus, you people prefer him over me, you gotta admit it. 

Evil dwarf says: Quit calling me "evil dwarf"!

Evil not-so-dwarf facepalms himself.

It took us aaaaages to write these *counts* dunno-how-many sentences, we'll eventually find a better way to communicate, that hopefully doesn't involve waiting hours for one's answer. 

Evil unicorn says: You are the one who made me wait ages!

I had stuff to do, okay?

Evil unicorn facepalms himself a second time, as he notices I changed his nickname again. He states: You could at least explain why you put Bad Romance in the medias, or why this page is written in English only, or, shall I remember you, why you took the lead since MY name is written first on the -awful- cover.

That cover is stunning, just sayin'. I would bite that donut. It looks so sweet.

Yeah anyway, I am madly in love with every single one of Lady Gaga's songs,  she's my favorite all-times singer. About the language,  I don't know how to write complex sentences in Italian (I'm good at saying spaghetti though) and didn't want to ruin my reputation.

Google translator betrayed me enough times.

I put the American flag next to the title, and if Luca decides to write stuff too, he'll put the Italian one, that way it'll be easy to tell the languages apart. It's gonna be fun.

Luca: Yeah, like Hell it is.

*throws a pillow at him* be kinder! And no bad words!

Luca: You swear all the time, Cole! Even in Italian! And you're mistreating me. I'm gonna get my revenge.

Sometimes I fear him. 

Anyway! I hope you'll enjoy this journey with us, even if we don't know where it'll lead us.

Stay tuned, 'til our next update! Bye!

Luca: Alla prossima~

(Behind the scenes, Luca took a screenshot:

(Behind the scenes, Luca took a screenshot:

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