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Cries and screams of a woman can be heard.

Under a beautiful night sky, a night without stars, a baby boy was born.

She was in her room, gently rocking her new born child.

Her blue eyes were filled with joyful tears as she said,

" My beautiful child, you are the most precious gift in my life and I will always protect you and be there for you," .

Just then, the door swung open, startling her.

There came a man, who was rushing towards them.

" How's the baby? Is it a girl,"
or a boy? "

" Calm down, sweetheart. It's a boy,"

It was until then he noticed the child,

" He's beautiful like you, " she giggled.

They were having a great time until the baby finally opened its eyes.

They were both shocked to see his eyes.

It was red on the left and blue on the right.

They were shocked, no, thrilled.

" Oh my, this can't be happening! " the man panicked

" Why is it, honey? " the woman asked

" We need to keep him out of everyone's sight, "

" But, why should we do this? This is unfair to a child and he's not even a year's old yet," the woman screamed.

" I'm sorry, dear but we have no choice but to do it, "

" Why? " she asked, hoping for an answer

" Because our child, is born to be the most powerful and evil creature which can rule both realms, heaven and hell, and most importantly, he can rule both mortals and immortals, because...,"

he paused for a while, sighing, before continuing,

" Our son's a Fallen Angel ".


Sorry for any spelling and language mistakes.

"FALLEN ANGEL" [VKOOK] [COMPLETED] [BLACK VER.]Where stories live. Discover now