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How the fuck do people go through this everyday.
I'm finding it hard just to stay awake.
I've lost around a tenth of my body weight.
Every thing I once enjoyed now bothers me.
All my friends are yelling about the latest fucking memes.
When all I wanna do is scream.
Somebody help me.
I'm finding it hard to breathe.
I'm finding it hard to see.
That there's a fucking place for me!
Yeah that's hard to believe.
I'm loosing hope everyday.
My friends want me out there way.
I do everything for other people.
And this is how I fucking get repaid?
Why did you put me here?
Stuck on the fucking sphere.
Stabbed in the heart with a spear.
I'm sorry.
But I can't do anything
I'm on a waiting list
I've tried everything.
I'm hella pissed
Yeah call me a pessimist!
Say I do it for attention.
Say I should give in.
Yell at me and mention
I should put the blade to my skin.
All I know is I can't give up.
I need to try to get out of this mess that I'm in.
But I honestly don't give a fuck.
I don't have any cuts.
I'm trying not to show feelings
But right now I've had enough.

Thank you for listening. . .

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