Chapter VI

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Deep in sleep, Don saw a strange vision. He saw a giant fur covered thing stand up on it's hind legs and utter that awful howling that he had heard that night. The noise melted into a despicable laugh that made Don's heart leap. The beast turned to him and lunged for him, then he woke up, realizing that he was yelling at the top of his lungs.

"Are you alright? I heard you screaming!" Sarah asked, bursting into the room.

"Ugh, yeah. I just had an awful nightmare!" Don answered her.

"Anyways, it's morning now. Why don't we eat then see if we can fix the car."

Down stairs, Don and Sarah ate a small serving of eggs quietly and slowly, afraid to talk.

"Hey, do you think you were just hallucinating? I mean, you had a bad day, or weak, anyway you want to look at it."

"I really don't want to do anything right now." Don said, looking very tired.

"Well we can at least see what's wrong with the cars." And Sarah stood and walked outside.

Don joined Sarah outside, bringing some tools he had brought just in case.

"Let's get started. What do you think's wrong?" Don asked, attempting to sound enthusiastic.

"Well first let's look at the engine, that's gonna obviously be the first thing." Sarah answered him, plopping into the drivers seat.

Don opened the hood, and a dark purple slime revealed itself.

"Well, I found the problem!" Don spoke, tapping on the windshield.

"You did? What is it?" An Sarah leaped out of the car towards the engine front.

"See?" Don asked, poking the goo with his wrench.

"Oh my gosh! What is that stuff?!"

"I wish I knew, but I can't give you a name, not yet, anyway."

"What do you mean, not yet? How are we supposed to find out?"

"Follow me." Don ushered her to follow him down the road a few miles, five miles to be exact. They came to the old man's shack, and Sarah stopped.

"Why are we here?" She pondered.

"Because there's an old man I'd like to talk to." And Don burst over to the front door.

"Hey! Open up!" Don barked and pounded on the door.

"Hu? Who be dea? is you hea to take my..." and the old man opened the door, instantly slamming it when he saw who was in front of it. "Ah, nobody be home! So just turn around and go back wea ya came from!"

"Why did you spit on my ceiling?! I think I'm in more trouble now than I was before!"

"No, you's betta off wifout dat pixie!"

"Why? Would it kill me?"

"Uh, no. Just somefin inside o me said not to trust dat ting!"

"Well it may have been my only way out of this God forsaken place! My feelings don't even skim the surface of angry!"

"Well I sorry, but yous gotta stick it out like me now! Hea, to make it up to you, I wrote a book on mythical creatas and how to make dem leave ya alone!"

The old man handed a thick book out the door wrapped in some sort of deer skin.

"And what about food?" Don asked with a very snarky attitude.

"Oh, de book explains dat too!" Answered the old man.

Don left with Sarah, feeling a bit better about his situation.

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