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She's been stealing food. 

It's funny how she turned into a thief since she started working here. First it was books, now its food. What's next? Clothes and jewelry? She's gonna get her hands cut off for sure. She's pushed it. She knows that. 

It all started the day she went back to the institute. She was so grateful to put distance between her and Arthur. She would've preferred a mile between them but oh well, take what you get. At least there in the institute she won't have to see Arthur anymore or have to deal with his advances. He'll get over her, she knows it. She just needs to stay away from him and allow him time to realize she's actually nothing special worth caring about.

Honestly if she gets caught and jailed, it would be the head's fault entirely. After she settled down in her room the head sent her to a poor neighborhood because they needed someone to help with an amputation. She remembers the conversation. 

"they need a nurse to do a surgery" the head said "outside...In a less fortunate side of town... we're all so busy here and look at the bright side, you will have time to show your skills"

The head was smiling and acting nice. Bell just knew there was something fishy about it.

"What's the surgery?" she asked

"Nothing too complicated" she said "Amputation"

She swallowed, suddenly getting cold feet.

"but if you can't, I'll understand" she said "I'll send one of our real doctors to take care of it"

Bell narrowed her eyes. So that was the plan, to embarrass her. Bell remembered once she was merely the age of 13 when she helped her grandmother cut off a man's leg. She could do it, she knew how to do it but she was afraid, nervous.

She remembered something her grandmother used to say frequently when she was young.

"Always do the right thing. Regardless of what you're feeling. Feelings don't last sweetie"

"No I can do it" she said and the head's smile fell.

"Are you sure?" she asked "wouldn't want you to cost someone's life to prove a point"

she narrowed her eyes "I can do it" she said "but you're welcome to join me"

she huffed her chest out "I will"

Bell shrugged "shall we get going?"

They took all the things they would need and headed out the door.

"Do we know where it is?" asked Bluebell

"It's a place for medical use... occasionally they ask for a doctor at the palace to come over for...difficult procedures or if they don't have a doctor present at the moment" the head said, surprisingly civil for once. 

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