Chapter 1

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Okay guys, so i'm feeling good about this one as well as my last posted story! This one intrigues me and is based off of a dream i had. Long story short My mom has friends that live in England(I'm not sure where) and she always threatens to send me there(Playfully) but i guess that was on my mind and i had a SUPER vivid dream that she got mad and DID send me to boarding school in England.

So that is what inspired this story.

Now onto the story. :)


"Bye i guess" i mumbled, walking out my front door at only 5:30 in the morning.

            My usual time. I took time to stop at a gas station and pick up a coffee and drink it before heading to the bus stop every morning.

Well worth it.

            My best friend was at the corner of the intersection waiting for me like usual.

            "Hey Ashley" i greeted her.

            "Hey there. You look grumpy today"

            "Yeah well my mom and i were fighting again. She stormed off and slammed her bedroom door on me so i left." we started walking to the gas station.

            "What about this time?"

            "Well, i guess i didn't turn the computer off last night. I forgot. So my mom completely freaked out."

            "You really need to get out of that place" she joked.

            "Believe me, if i could, i would." i smiled.

            Don't get me wrong. I love my mother with every fiber in my body. I mean, She did take care of me and my brother on her own for the past three years. I just can’t stand the fighting. I know that everything is because of me, I mean I could have kept my mouth shut, but I take pride in the fact that she stuck by us.

            "it's like every single opinion i have or every single thing i do is wrong in her eyes." i didn't realize that last part came out of my mouth.

            "Well, you're both independent women. Sometimes you just aren't like your parents" Ashley comforted me.

            Ashley was one of the only people that knew the reasons why my mother was alone now. The only one who really knew what was going on in my life, and what happened to me. She has always been there, from that day to now, and she will continue to be.

            We walked into the store where i proceeded to get my usual coffee.

            Pouring the hot drink into the cup, i replied.

            "Yeah but i mean it's literally every single thing. She never agrees with any of my decisions."

When we reached the counter the man greeted us. He looked about 18.

            "how are you ladies this lovely morning?" i could tell he was trying to flirt.

            "I've been better." i said flatly.

            "oh really?" he punched some buttons on the register. "Problems?"

            "family" Ashley replied.

            "Ah! I see." he looked over. "Why are you guys up so early anyway? The bus doesn't come for like an hour."

            "i'm an early bird. You must be new. I come down here everyday during the school year." i patted my pocket, "but i'm such a fricken idiot!" i face-palmed.

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