~Chapter 12~Part 2~

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~One Year Later~


"Aren't so beautiful now..." The deep, cruel voice cut the the darkness. It always frightened me. It was so damn familiar and I hated it; the way it made me tremble.

Why was it always so cold in here? I looked around the dark room, trying to see something. Him, perhaps. It never happened. I pulled at the restraints I knew were there. Why did I always try that? I wasn't going anywhere. This bed that was cold and hard was going to be the one I died in.

Chills rose on my skin, more from knowing he was their than the chill, and my face hurt. Or did it? I could swear my face hurt so bad. "Please..." I could barely recognize my own voice through sobs. I always sounded so pathetic at this point. Only one thing was going to happen...it always did. "Plea-" The menacing chuckling that came from the darkness cut me off.

It was time. "You're going to die...just like the rest of them." The threat in my ear made me scream. The screaming never lasted long because then he would slip those hands around my throat and squeeze until I couldn't scream any more. All I did was claw and claw some more at him. It was an endless struggle...pain that never ceased, laughter that never died down. My chest just kept burning-

I woke up from the dream in a panic. My nails scratched against my neck and I sounded like I was dying as I inhaled deeply. True, the dream had been happening less and less, a couple of times a month now. It had been silly of me to think life would go back to normal. Days after I had talked with Abby that whole year ago, is when they had started.

I could hardly believe what the woman had told me; The secluded cabin, talks of murder and a seriously messed up obsession one twin had for me. Keeping her their and trying to shape her into something she would never be. Me. When had my life become a fucking Dateline episode?

The worst thing about everything that had happened; I knew they were still out there. Still   keeping an eye on me? More than likely. Getting over it was a lot easier said than done.

When I was able to collect myself, I got out of the bed, leaving it empty. It was nearly an every day thing, waking up alone. That's how it had always been in my relationship. Now it was different though; all of the possibilities to why my husband wasn't here in the morning, gave me serious nausea.

And like every morning, I went into the bathroom, washed my face, brushed my teeth and half ass attempted to run a brush through my long and almost unbearable hair.

The house was quiet when I left the bedroom and went downstairs. Christopher was either at soccer or Boy Scouts with Thomas. He'd pretty much begged to do it because his friend was doing it. Honestly I don't think it was all he expected it to be but Sol refused the let him quit.

From habit, I started water for tea and waited for it to heat. It was summer time again and the pool needed maintaining. I added it onto my little list of to-dos in my head. Unfortunately, the list wasn't too long.

When the kettle started to whistle, I tore my eyes away from the window. As I threw my tea together in a porcelain cup, I noticed the old coffee in the pot beside the toaster. It wasn't my thing anymore, but Sol still enjoyed it. It only told me that he had been home this morning. Or was it from yesterday?

I hadn't even gotten to take a drink before the small monitor on the Island began to crackle with noise.  It brought a smile to my face and for a moment I listened. The little coos would soon turn into a cry.

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