I don't even know, bro

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I know most of you will just skip this or skim through it, but I hope you read this. I hope a lot of people read this for that matter. (I know it's long, but I wanted to say a few things)


To be honest, I think the whole country needs to hear this song. People need to know what's really happening to America right now, and that it's falling. 

America is the land of the free and the home of the brave. We shouldn't need to kneel during a national anthem to prove that, and we shouldn't need to link arms to prove that. Instead, we should put our hands over our hearts in unity and hope.

(If some people don't already know, the reason why people take a knee during the anthem is to take a stand against police brutality. But is that helping anything? No. It's just changing America.)

Sorry, I just had to speak my mind a little bit there. But I just want to say one more thing before I post this:

I want to say that people shouldn't change our anthem for something so silly. I'm not saying that Police brutality is silly, I'm simply saying people like Colin Kaepernick are doing the wrong thing for the right reason, and it's funn how many people are okay with it. There are other ways to speak up against police brutality, not attacking something so sacred like the national anthem. 

Anyways, just wanted to hop on to say a few things, and I hope some people take that into consideration. 

Stay safe my Cinnamon Rolls!~


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