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Hello, my precious Cinnamon Rolls. I have returned with yet another chapter. Luckily, I plan to update this book every other weekend! Hope you enjoy!

>>>Adrien's POV<<<

I set my bag down beside me on the hard concrete and popped a squat on a bench by the school, hoping to be alone with my thoughts. 

I don't want to go home. Not today. 

I'd rather be alone here than alone in an empty house. 

I'd rather talk to no one here then talk to no one in my house. 

I bit my bottom lip awkwardly as my gaze drifted to a nearby oak tree, mesmerized by the hight and articulation in the bark.

I've just felt more alone than usual this past week. I mean, normally I would go home from school every day and be welcomed by the cold emptiness of the house, but this time it just feels different. 

Heh, cold emptiness... A house so empty, it's cold both metaphorically and literally. 

I can't even talk to my father about most things because he claims to always be"busy."

It hurts. More than I feel like it should. 

But it still hurts to know that I can't even talk to my own family. 

It hurts to know that the only person who listened to me has been missing for nearly two years. 

But why does it hurt this much?

Why can't I just feel and be normal for once?

Why does my Father have to put me on this pedestal and claim me as a "perfect child"?

What if I don't want to be perfect?

What if I just want to be me?

I ran a hand through my now messy golden locks, several more questions whirling through my head like a tidal wave. 

A tidal wave crashing out of control to be exact. 

I've just never felt more invisible in my life. Even on patrols as Chat Noir, I would try confiding in Ladybug, but she's so persistent in not sharing anything about our personal lives that I can't vent to her. 

"We can't know anything about each other, Chat. I'm sorry." The spotted heroine would say, time after time.

"A-Adrien?" A soft voice mumbled in front of me, snapping me out of my thoughts. "A-are you okay?" 

I looked up at the approaching voice, and the host was none other than Marinette, her bluebell eyes laced with concern.

"Yeah... I'm fine." I looked away, scratching the back of my neck, not meeting her gaze. 

"Adrien..." She sat down next to me, resting a hand on my shoulder. "Y-you've been acting strange all day. Is something the matter?"

"I-it's okay if you don't want to talk about it, I understand. I...I just thought I should ask because I was a little worried and I-"

She cares...

"No, no. It's fine, Marinette." I looked over to the side, a small smile gracing my cheeks as my gaze met hers. 

"Someone being here to simply talk to means the world to me..." I muttered under my breath, but she most likely heard me anyway. 

"I'm always free to talk if you need..." She spoke up, her voice like the soft chime of a bell. 

I couldn't help but giver her a hug. She has no idea how much I've wanted to just sit down and talk to someone. It doesn't even have to be about me. 

I just want to talk to someone who understands...

I guess she was shocked by the sudden gesture due to her breath hitching in her throat, so I pulled away. 

"S-sorry!" We both said at the same time, so we both let out a light-hearted laugh. 

"A-anyways... what was it you want to talk about? You can vent to me, it's all good." She responded cheerfully. 

"Oh, right..." I trailed off. 

"I've just been feeling... alone lately." I shrugged, my voice coming out smaller than intended.

"My father barely acknowledges my existence, and I just feel isolated in my own house...." I bit my bottom lip once more. 

"Adrien..." Marinette spoke up. "Even though it may feel like it, you're not alone." She placed her hand back on my shoulder. 

"You have me, Nino, and Alya to talk to, and we'll listen. I promise." She smiled all too cheerfully. 

This time, she was the one to bring me into a hug and leave me shocked. The only difference is that I hugged back. 

"Thank you, Marinette," I said after a few moments. 

After we each broke apart from the hug, we just sat there and talked, enjoying each other's company. 


Hope you enjoyed the chapter! This one was more rushed than my other ones, and I feel like it wasn't one of my best works. Sorry about that. But, I guess it turned out okay? Tell me what you guys think and what you want to see in future chapters! :3

Anywho, stay tuned for more chapters!

Love you all my Cinnamon Rolls!~


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