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It was beautiful day on planet popstar, the sky was dotted with clouds, the wind was cool, animals froliced where they pleased and birds sang their natural music for all near and far to hear.

Gooey and Kirby were sitting by the pond, Kirby was fishing while Gooey was looking around for any flowers to pick, it was such a nice day two would perfer napping instead of fishing, in fact Kirby was about to doze off when he felt tug on the line and jerked awake. "I think I-" Kirby's sentence was cut off with a Yelp when he suddenly was jerked forward by the fishing pole. Gooey quickly got behind Kirby and wrapped his arms around him to keep his friend from being pulled into the pond. It toke some effort but the duo managed to pull the fish out of the water, Kirby caught the now motionless fish in his hands and handed it to Gooey who immediately began munching on it. Kirby chuckled as his friend chowed down but grew concerned as he watched something dark float down from the sky and hover inches below the clouds, the figure looked like a person with an oversized cloak but it was hard to tell cause the figure was completely black, save for the bright red eye it had. Gooey was still munching on his fish when he noticed the figure to, he stared at it his eyes filled with surprise but at the same time and lingering look of... Sadness. The creature began swirl itself with the clouds turning the completely black before spouting them in all directions making the once beautiful day overcast and gloomy even though the clouds were black luckily enough like was still able to get through and it was only a smidge more darker than an ordinary over cast day. Gooey quickly grabbed Kirby by the arm and the two darted into the nearby woods neither of them said a word but they bother knew one thing: popstar was in big trouble and if they were going to fix this they were gonna need some help. 

King dedede struggled against the rope that had him bond to his throne, as the enemy knocked out the last of his guards. The figure seemed to be that of a man, with a gray hooded cloak,read paints and boots. "What do want from us!?" King dedede cried out still struggling against the rope. The figure turned around and let down his hood. "You want to know what I'm here for?" Dedede was caught off gaurd by the her voice, it was scratchy and sounded strained probably due to the cracks on her neck. "I want this planets beauty all to myself" The cloaked woman said simply. "As you can see I am not in the best shape she said running a clawed hand through whatever gray hair she had left on her head. " But with the energy and beauty of this planet, I can undo what he's done to me and I will be beautiful again." "You're already b-" Dedede immediately shut up when a pink pistol was aimed at him with that all to familiar lock and loud noise. "Quiet." She barked. Though his mouth was dead silent The cloaked woman could tell what he was thinking, she smirked with a murderous look in her bright red eye. "My dark matters are sucking the life from this planet as we speak, there's nothing and Don't worry about Kirby..i have ways if slowing him down." With that the cloaked woman knocked dedede out cold with the barrel of the gun and flew out the window and to the forest.

Kirby and Gooey ran to a tree that had a opening at the bottom it was small but it was big enough to fit both of them through it. Gooey let go of Kirby's arm. "You go down first." He said softly, at the bottom of the tunnel was a safe house that they had built for them and there friends when danger was near, coo nailed a purple ribbon to the tree do the would know which one was the safe house. Kirby nodded and started to squeeze himself feet first into the entrance once Kirby was all the way in and undoubtedly sliding down to the safe house, Gooey was about to follow him when he heard the bushes russle. The boy wiped around looking around, having to squint due to his crossed eyes. "Hello Gooey." The voice made Gooey freeze. "Z-Ze-"before Gooey could do or see anything, the cloaked woman launched at Gooey and raised her claws before bringing the down so fast it was all a blur, his scream could be heard from miles away

Zero returned to the castle with an evil smile plaugung her face. "Let's see how useful these pets are if they all fight each other for you." She said to herself before howling in laughter

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