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          Hi, I'm Kyun, a 15 year old 4th year student. Wait! That's not the right way for my introduction. I'm Kyun, a lost ice on a desert. At least that sounds more appropriate. I have a long dark brown pony tailed hair and I love wearing my lenses, well it's good for hiding, cause eyes are the mirrors to our soul and I don't really want anyone to know what's going in my mind but I'm about to spoil a you a little.

       Everyone's always causing a ruckus. Such a pathetic act of wasting time. "Hey! I've fallen in love! He's my crush! I'm gonna marry you when we grow up." What nonsense. Falling in love, they said but at the end, they'll end up on their pillows, mourning to death.  

    I've grown to be like the snow; cold, white and harsh. I don't want to be painted, not in any color, neither pink, yellow or violet , I don't really care about them. It's not good to be serious with anyone or anything so I chose to be nothing than to be hurt. "Love?" Haha! Then I'll pretend that I like you too. Well, that's the easiest way to live, be kind to boys, they'll like you. Compliment girls, they'll like you. Sweet words, a pit that I've set , a chain that will never set you free even if you try to struggle, the more you move the more you'll be pushed towards the depths of hell.

      The truth is everyone knows the painful truth about life yet they still yearn to bring these sweet lies to reality. Happy faces , I consider them masks.These people, they kept on rotating in the never ending flow of the river or cycle called life.

      Still, I manage to live by myself, with my parents, with my 'friends' and with my 'toys'. It's okay without that idiotic word called 'love' , that's what I thought.

     But everything changed since this light-white haired 'bangs' crazy and silly boy came to my life.It's not like a compliment but he's like a sun. Melting the ice that covers my heart he made me realize that I'm just some damsel in distress, just desperate to know what true love is. I admit it, I didn't really know what thing that I really hated is. I didn't know what that means.

     This boy is Steven Adrianne D.M. He's my childhood friend or rather sweet heart (the truth is I've already forgot him because 10 years have passed since we've seen each other for some reasons). He confessed to me when I was still 5 years old but that's obviously not serious, a joke to laugh at, I guess. He came back from London this August and greeted me with a smile that I've returned with a frown. My mother scolded me because of that. (Well hell like I know him, a strange person greeting me nicely, creepy isn't it?). But he's really creepy, imagine a boy with such joyful attitude? It's so impossible and the worst thing is he does everything that I've said, I've only seen such kind in love stories and in my dreams. He pissed me because he's the complete opposite of me, his smile is undeniably true and sad faces doesn't suit him. I do envy him. I also want to smile like that and be true to myself yet I can't. He's smarter, trickier, nicer than me. And the number one reason that I hate him is this, he calls me ICE in front of my face, as if he sees through me, through my walls, through the real me.

      "Hey, you know, a flower without sun is doomed to die," he once said to me as he giggled.

       "What do you mean by that?"

     "All that is left for you is death," he laughed cruelly again. It hurts, death is all what's left for me? Is that the truth? What I lack is death, is that it?

     "Let me be your sun, little flower," that smile lingers on his face again, but this time it's not cruel , it's kind and gentle, warm yet relaxing. 

                                                   YES, I STILL WANT TO LIVE AS ME.


Sorry for some typo errors and wrong grammar.. please support... see ya next time (I'll upload chapters per week)


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