11 ~ Barkpaw (Apprentice)

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Name : Barkpaw

Gender & Age : 9 Moons, Tom.

Appearance : Barkpaw is a well muscled, brown marbled apprentice. He is built for fighting, with a stocky body and powerful hind legs. His fur is mostly light brown, with dark brown swirls and patches crossing his body. White tufts of fur cover his body randomly, a large white diamond on his forehead. Barkpaw's eyes are an eerie yellow-green colour, sometimes seen as intimidating.

Personality : Barkpaw is an eager learner, who knows when to goof around and when to listen to his mentor. He can be humours around his fellow apprentices, but deadly serious if there is a threat towards his clan. He is a good judge of a situation, and quick at making decisions. Barkpaw can come across as quiet and serious if he's not close to someone.

Mate / Crush : None.

Mentor : Sandflower.

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RP'ED BY @BlueTiger668

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