You're all so nice!

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I've got a couple comments asking if I was ok and what happened and it makes me smile. Thank you all so much for being here for me! Anyway, here's what happened.

It was recess and I was talking to my friend, Charlotte. I was fine for a couple minutes, but I was tense and on edge. So I left her, which I tend to do, so she's doesn't go after me. I went to the corner of the black top and curled up. I was trying to do my breathing exercises, but they just weren't working. Nobody noticed, except for one guy. His name is Wyatt. He's a good friend(*cough*crush*cough*), we just don't hang out that often. I was trembling and he sat down next to me. He didn't say anything, but he just sat there. When the attack passed, he still didn't say anything. But I explained to him what happened. He comforted me, and now I have one friend who knows about my anxiety attacks.

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