It's Okay, You Know?

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A screech filled the air. The branches of the tall oak tree lurched as a force pressed down and slipped between them. A loud crack splintered the sullen air. "Acornpaw!"

A small light brown tabby laid on the leaf-ridden floor, her body twitching. Acornpaw's breath was unsteady and her chest heaved with every breath. She felt the world around her spin. 'I'm... I'm dying!' She wanted to scream. 'Help me!' But her throat, her lungs, they ran dry. Tears bubbled up in her eyes, trailing down her face.

"Kestrelfire! Juniperfall!" She heard a voice cry near her. "Acornpaw, it's alright! I... I promise!"

She could hear the pawsteps of their mentors as they dashed towards her. As they scooped her up in their jaws, they could feel her trembling and her paws were laced with sweat that dropped into the floor.

"Who knew that Acornpaw was a bird!" Kestrelfire chuckled. Acornpaw couldn't help but purr. The black, white, and tan tom had been known to have a very cheery attitude, able to pick anyone up from their pouts. But, her symptoms persisted. She was gasping for her lost breath, her chest was aching, and she was tremoring consistently.

After what seemed like ages, Acornpaw plopped down on a nest. The familiar aroma of fresh herbs embraced her. A dark figure leaned over her. Her vision was blurred, but she found him to be the medicine cat. "It's a panic attack. She broke a bone in her shoulder and she is panicking because of it." He meowed. He darted to his herb stocks. The medicine cat tom placed one sprig of a fresh smelling herb in front of her.

Eagerly, she lapped up the herbs, chewing them up. Acornpaw felt an odd wave of calmness engulf her. Her body felt tired until everything went black. Her head fell against the ground, her flank slowly rising and falling as she breathed.


"Acornwhisker, we need to address your 'problem'." A black and gray tom growled. 

Acornwhisker felt the anxiety trickled onto her pelt. Her paw began to shake and her eyes began to shrink. "Sure I guess...."

"Earlier this week, Kestrelfire told me that he scented foxes on our territory. You had a panic attack. That isn't an attribute a warrior has, nor a medicine cat. In interest for our Clan, you will be exiled. If there is a weak link in our Clan, the others will snap off of because of you. I will be escorting you off of our territory."

The brown tabby she-cat felt a rock slide in her stomach. Yet, she didn't argue as he turned around. 'Was Snakestar always this cruel?' She thought, following the leader. Acornwhisker didn't bother to look up from the leaf-ridden ground. Her fluffy tail was dragging against the leaves. She didn't sob or hyperventilate until she casted off into the territory of the moor cats. The tears spilled out of her eyes like a waterfall. She couldn't walk or breathe. It was pure sobbing.

"Hey, you all right?" She heard a voice from the other side. When she turned her head, she saw a lithe figure with a gray pelt. They seemed to have a heavy accent. "Aw, sugar, whatcha' crying about?" She comforted Acornwhisker. Her accented voice shed light on her world of darkness. "Lay down and calm yourself down. What happened? You are too strong for tears, ya know?"

"S-Snakestar..." the brown tabby choked. "He exiled me!" 

A big paw clapped on her back. "That's a shame. Why would he exile a good warrior like you?" She purred. "Just breathe. In... out... there you go." Acornwhisker followed and felt an uneasy calmness rush over her pelt. "Once you feel a little better, I can take you back to my camp. Sedgestar will take you in. By the way, my name is Cinderleap, yours?" Cinderleap asked, pulling Acornwhisker close to her.

The former forest cat forced a weak smile. "My name is Acornwhisker." Resting her weight on Cinderleap's shoulder, she purred at the warmth and the comfort. Soon enough, her crying faded and she began to breathe normally. "Thank you..."

"Whatcha' thanking me for? Any cat would've done that, silly goose." She laughed. Acornwhisker found the strength to laugh with her. "Let's go back to our camp." 

The brown tabby she-cat followed the moor cat through the heather, the tall stalks tickling her pelt. "That happens... a lot. Are you sure you want to take me in?"

"Sure, Sedgestar isn't heartless, unlike another cat." 

Acornwhisker, for the first time in ages, felt relief wash over her. "Sorry, you have to go through all of this for me."

"It's okay, you know?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2018 ⏰

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