Chapter Sixteen

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I walked down the halls with Y/N. Her hand locked with mine. We've been together for six months now and she's made every day worth it. She's made me smile more then I ever have. "Lix!" I heard Y/N shout and look at where she's looking. Felix was walking over to us with a smile. When Y/N came back after she left to korea when she thought she had to say goodbye to her Mom, she got close with Felix. I didn't mind it though because we were all friends in fourth grade for a little.

"Hey, Felix." I greeted smiled when he reached us unknowingly tightening my grip on Y/N's hand.

"Hi, Hyunjin." He greeted back with a smile. "Y/N, did you finish your part on the project?" He asks turning to look at her. They both got paired up in Biology for a project that's due next week.

"Not yet but I'm almost done. I just have to finish a couple things then I'll be done. Did you finish your part?" She answers looking at Felix. I watched as they stared at each other and slowly removed my hand from hers. I knew how Felix felt for her and I just knew that Y/N felt the same but I wasn't sure. I placed a kiss on her cheek telling her that I needed to go find Jisung to talk about the project. "Okay, I'll see you in class." She smiled at me. I gave her a small smile and walked away.

I walked out of the school going over to the bleachers where Minho and Jisung were sitting. Well more like cuddling. "M-Min!" I heard Jisung giggle and I chuckled lightly watching them. Minho was tickling Jisung on his side and Jisung was struggling to remove himself.

"You both are too cute. It's sickening." I joked and sat down in my normal spot. They both looked at me and smiled as a greeting.

"You are just jealous that we are cuter than you and Y/N." Minho says with a sly smile. I let out a scoff of disbelief.

"Yeah, sure. Y/N and I are way cuter then you two will ever be." I told them. Minho and Jisung have been together for about two months. It was obvious that they had feelings for each other even before they started dating. It was almost painful to watch because of how obvious it was.

"Whatever. What are you doing here, Hwang?" Minho asks and I just shrug my shoulders in response leaning back.

"Y/N is talking to Felix about the project for Biology so I came here." I answered. Jisung stared at me surprised that I just left her with Felix considering we all knew of his feelings. Those feelings were obvious every time she even looked his way.

"Ah, the guy who is in love with your girlfriend." Jisung says and lets out a yelp when Minho slaps him lightly telling him to shut up. I look down at the grass. I know Felix wouldn't do anything but I sometimes wonder if Y/N feels the same about Felix. I only wonder that because of the way they look at each other. I wouldn't be surprised if she did feel something for him.

"Do you guys think she loves him too?" I suddenly ask after a minute of silence looking at both boys. They look at me surprised by my sudden question.

"No, I don't. Y/N loves you, Hyunjin." Minho answers and Jisung nods in agreement.

"It's obvious that she only loves you, Hyunjin." Jisung adds with a small smile. I was about to say something when my phone went off with a text message. "And plus, it's just Felix. He wouldn't try anything."

[Video attachment]
12:40 PM

I open the video and felt anger burn through my body. I close my phone and get up clenching my fists. "Whoa! Hyunjin, what happened?" Minho asks standing up with Jisung.

I open my phone tossing it at them, "That's what happened!" I hissed and took off into the school. I grabbed some kid passing and looked at him. "Where is Felix?"

"He went that way and took a left." He says using his pointer finger to point straight and to the left. I mumbled a thank you and took off in that direction. While I walking I heard a few girls talking around the corner and I froze.

"I can't believe that happened. I hope Hyunjin dumps her ugly ass." I felt myself getting more angry. Y/N didn't do anything. It was all Felix. It's always all Felix.

"Felix, stop! You know that I love Hyunjin so why the hell did you do that?" I heard Y/N exclaim when I rounded the corner.

"I- I don't know! I- god, he's gonna kill me. I'm sorry, Y/N. I'm so sorry." I heard Felix. He's right. I was gonna kill him. He kissed my girlfriend!

"Sorry isn't gonna fucking cut it, Felix! You probably just ruined everything because I have to tell him if he doesn't already know! I won't keep this from him." I smiled softly. "And yeah, he's gonna kill you! Of course he's gonna fucking kill you, Lix! You just kissed me when you know- when you fucking know how Hyunjin and I feel!"

"Sorry to break up this lovely party but Felix, you and I are gonna talk." I spoke walking away from where I was and closer to them. Felix looks at me frightened. He knew how I could get when I get upset. He's seen the fights I have had when someone got on my nerves.

"Hyunjin, don't. Not know, please." Y/N whispered softly as I grabbed Felix by the collar of his shirt. I looked at her pleading eyes and let him go stepping back.

"Stay away from her, you got it?" I hissed and he nodded. I grabbed Y/N's hand in mine and left the area we were in.

"Jinnie," I heard Y/N whisper and I came to a stop turning to look at her. "I-I'm sorry, Jinnie." She cries and I pull her into my chest.

"Baby, hey it's okay. It wasn't you, Y/N. I know it wasn't. Do not apologize when you didn't anything wrong." I whispered placing a kiss on her head. "I love you."

"I love you, too." I heard Y/N mumble again my chest as I held her tight not wanting to let go. I was afraid to lose her.

Please, don't ever leave me.

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