Chapter Twenty Four

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I sat in the living room waiting for a phone call that I knew I was gonna get. It was going to determine if I have to fly back out to korea for next year. It was the middle of summer break now and I was told that there was a chance I would have to go back. "I- I don't want to go." I mumbled resting my head on Felix's shoulder. For the first time since I arrived exactly a year ago, I didn't want to leave. I wanted to stay.

My dad and I are finally getting to know each other. My dad had divorced Ellie sometime towards the end of the year when it was discovered that she was cheating so Chaeyoung moved out along with Ellie. It was just my dad and I in the house. I honestly didn't mind it. Jeongin was also coming back out for summer to see Hyunjin and everyone. Our groups of friends have grown close since Hyunjin started dating Seungmin almost three months ago.

Everyone was shocked when they both came out as dating and bisexual. It wasn't as much of a shock our groups but more of a shock in the entire school. "I don't want you to go either." Felix had an arm over my shoulder and I played with his fingers. "But if you have to go back, Y/N, then you have too. I can't stop it this time, baby." He mutters.

"I know, Lixie. I miss my mom and everything but I really don't want to go back. I'd rather go back for college but I like it here." I explained and looked up at Felix. He looked back down at me placing a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Y/N, if you do go back then it probably wouldn't be for very long. Your mom never explained how long." Felix stated.

"I know but that's what this call I'm waiting for is. It's going to tell me how long I need to go back for and I'm worried it's gonna be the entire year. I'll miss so much and I- I'll be away from you. The time differences from here and korea will also make it hard for us." I whispered as tears blurred my vision.

"We can make it work, Y/N. I won't let you go just because it gets hard and you can't let me go when it gets hard." Felix tells me and I nod my head slowly.

"You know I love you, right?" I asked with a small smile.

"I do and I love you, too. So much, Y/N." Felix whispered and my phone started ringing on the coffee table. I instantly sat up reaching for it. "Hey, whatever the outcome is of this- I want you to know that it'll be okay." Felix says before I answer. I pecked his lips before turning back to my phone sliding the answer button.

"Hello. Mom, I- okay. Yeah, I- I understand. I know. Me too. Bye." I hung up and placed my phone back down in it's place on the coffee table. I go back to positioning I was in with Felix before the phone rang.

"What'd she say?" He asks after a few minutes of silence. I just shook my head and buried my face in the crook of his neck. "Y/N, h-how long?" His voice cracked.

"T-too long." I felt the tears fall from my eyes and I pulled myself away from Felix, running upstairs. I wouldn't be coming back. My mom told me that I wouldn't be coming back, not even for visits. I wasn't allowed to come back. I don't understand why this was happening. My mom just told me to prepared to get a call telling me that I would be leaving for a certain amount of time with the chance of not coming back. She left out the reason why and she still wouldn't tell me.

"Y/N, open the door." Felix knocked on my bedroom door. I sat at the edge of my bed with my legs brought up to my chest, my head rested on my knees as tears fell from my eyes. "Baby, open the door and talk to me. Remember what I said- I will always be there for you." Felix knocked again. I slowly got up to unlock my bedroom door.

I opened the door and Felix engulfed me in a hug. I hated the fact that I would be leaving and not returning. It broke me. "I- I'm not coming back, Lix." I sobbed.

"What? Why aren't you coming back?" He asks.

"I- I don't know, Lix. I'm so sorry but I- I have to end this thing between us. I don't want a forever long distance relationship. I- I can't do anything we would be able to do." I explained.

"No, I told you. I told you, Y/N, that moment the outcome that I'm not leaving you and you aren't leaving me." Felix explains. "We can make it work, Y/N. I know we can." He added. "When do you leave?" He asks.

"I leave next week." I answered and wrapped my arms around his waist tightly.

I only have a week before I leave you.

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