Where is my Child? [Part ✌️]

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Next morning Johara, drove to the daycare and sat in the parking lot and waited

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Next morning Johara, drove to the daycare and sat in the parking lot and waited. She thought she had a sort of a vibe from the handsome janitor yesterday and it drove her insane. Her guts told her something was wrong with this man. And her guts are always right. She even created charts, map of the daycare, and files of the staffs at the daycare from social media. Literally, you can find everyone on Facebook, Tinder, Instagram and Twitter. But this man, Duke was her primary suspect.

She waited and waited for another hour. A big old rusty green pick up truck squealed into the parking lot in front of Jo's car. She quickly got down a little and kept watching the man name Duke. Blonde man with janitor suit got out of the vehicle and walked into the daycare. Johara checked and see if the coast was clear and she got out of her silver minivan. She walked over to the rusty truck and peeked through the window to see for any evidence.

From her view she can see lots of beer bottles, condoms, subway wrapper, lemon and bagels. But what caught her attention was that there was a brown leather gun holster in the back seat. Johara's has billion of thoughts coming through to her head. Jo turned her head around and she can see Duke approaching to his truck. And Jo has a decision to make, to get caught or jump into his trunk. She wants to find Arya so badly and right away so she hurried to get into the trunk. Johara pulled out her phone and went to the map app so she won't get lost . Duke drove for quite awhile and Johara is crammed into the corner so Duke won't be able to see her in his rear mirror.

Until then they stopped and she realized that they're at the Mc Donald's drive through and heard Duke speaking, "Can I have 6 piece chicken nuggets, small fries, and apple juice please." Oh my gosh he's getting kids' food. Now it's starting to narrow things down unless he's a dad as well. And probably has a gun for self defense, she wondered.

Hour later~

They arrived at his destination. Johara observes a run down motel. Duke got out the truck with the happy meal. She gazed Duke and he went into room number thirteen. Gladly her husband didn't come with her because Rev has, "Triskaidekaphobia." She went over to the window to look in the room.

And the shock came to her face, and Arya! She found her precious Arya! How dare this man take her precious child. She goes to the truck and throws a rock to his truck window to cause distraction and hurried grabbed a beer bottle out. And smashed it against the ground to make it sharp.

Duke comes out and of course he closed the door, but this is even better. It'll keep Arya from watching what Johara would have to do. "Hey douchebag over here!" Jo yells and ducks behind the truck. Duke comes around the truck and she attacks him.

And she started stabbing Duke to his chest and then hey testicles repetitive. Duke yelled in pain, very loudly until his last breath. Johara kept on stabbing on the dead corpse just to relieve her anger.

She slowly stopped and took Duke's key for his truck and took Arya with her to the police department. And file a dead man in front of the crappy motel.

                                                  ~~~THE END~~~

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                                                  ~~~THE END~~~

~Jesskya Bradbury~

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