Sincerely, Me

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Dear Lena Luthor,
Today is going to be a good day, because today you are still you, and that is enough. You are still here and you didn't give up on yourself even though you know you want to. You really want to.

Lena sighed and looked at her notepad. This was stupid. She didn't need to write a letter to herself, it wasn't going to help. She was only doing it because it's what her therapist was telling her to do, and it was making Kara happy. Kara was the only reason she went to therapy in the first place. She'd had to literally drag Lena out of bed and practically throw her into the car. Lena only agreed to continue to go because her therapist kept insisting she was getting better, she didn't feel any different, but it was nice to hear a compliment every once in a while from someone other then Kara. The idea was that if she wrote about why she was going to have a day and said positive things about herself, she would eventually start to believe them. But so far it wasn't working, it was only aggravating her.

I still don't understand these letters. I don't know how they're supposed to help me. I keep telling myself I'm going to have a good day, but it hasn't happened yet.

Lena thought about everything that's happened since she started writing these. Her mindset surley hasn't changed. She is still just as stubborn as when she started. It's still a struggle for her to trust herself or believe in herself even when doing the simplest of tasks. She still got exhausted after too much social interaction and was so tired of constantly having to defend herself that she'd started to believe that she really was a bad person. She had gotten so used to people degrading her, that she'd started doing it to herself.

After the whole incident with the children and the lead poisoning, I've been finding it pretty hard to live with myself. I know now that I didn't really do anything wrong, but it's still nagging me. I know I'm capable of something that terrible, it's just a matter of time before I do something similar. One day am I going to break and turn into Lex or my mother? I don't know which outcome is worse. Or am I just going to slowly turn evil, is the transformation going to be so slow and gradual that I don't even notice it myself until one day I look back at the person I used to be? And once I realize what I've become, will I be able to go back? I know nobody trusts me now, if I get to the point where I really do snap, I may not be able to ever go back.

Lena sighed as she read over her letter. She was supposed to be talking about why she was going to have a good day today, not venting about her problems. She tried to think about something she could be proud of, no matter how small. If Kara were here she would give her a long list of things, things that didn't seem relevant to Kara.

I've gotten off topic so let me try to go back to what I'm supposed to talk about. It's hard to talk about why my day is going to be good, I'm not used to good days. I've been having some lately, not good days really, but good portions of the day. They're the best when I see Kara, she's my best friend and she makes my days bearable. She would want me to say my day is going to be good and mean it, not just write it down.
So Kara, if you ever read this, this next part is for you.
Today is going to be a good day and here's why; today you've made it another day. You made it another day without giving up. Even though you keep thinking about your family, you haven't turned out like them yet. You made it through another day without breaking. That is enough.

Lena smiled at her paper. She hated these letters, she really did, but they were starting to make sense now. She'd made it another day, that was all that mattered.

You're going to get better.

For the first time, as Lena wrote those words, she believed them.

When you do get better, thank Kara Danvers for forcing you to go to therapy.

Lena set the notepad down on her coffee table. Today is going to be a good day, because you are going to make it a good day.

AN: this is inspired by Dear Evan Hansen because I'm unoriginal. I've been considering turning this into a multi chap fic, should I?

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