Sick Days

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Lena Luthor did not get sick. Maybe once in the first grade she had the flu, but she'd pushed through it. She always pushed through it. Lena wasn't affected by silly things like fevers and headaches. She was CEO of CatCo and L Corp, there wasn't enough time in the day to be bothered by nonsense like a cold.
However, not everyone agreed with the way Lena pushed through things like this. Especially one Kara Danvers. Lena had arranged for them to go on a simple lunch date together, when she first started feeling sick (they were friends but often went on little dates like this together, which they both insisted weren't real dates). Kara had entered the rather large L Corp building and was greeted by Lena's secretary, Jess.
"Hey Jess! I'm just here to pick Lena up for our lunch," Kara said with a smile.
Jess nodded and smiled back. "Can you talk some sense into her for me? I think she's sick, but she refuses to stop working. And she always listens to you," Jess asked.
Kara nodded and adjusted her glasses, secretly kind of honored that Jess assumed Lena would only listen to her. "Yeah, I'll see what I can do."
When Kara entered Lena's office, she saw Lena with her head in her palm. She was looking down at her keyboard and typing slowly with her free hand. There was a box of tissues next to her laptop and Lena looked paler than usual, which was saying something because she was already relatively pale. Lena immediately looked up when she saw Kara and tried to hide the fact that she'd winced in pain at the fast motion.
"Hey, Lena are you okay?" Kara asked and walked over to her desk.
Lena nodded and sniffled.
"Are you... sick?" She asked hesitantly.
Lena stood up. "Of course not Kara, I'm fine." She said. Her voice was stuffy but neither acknowledged it.
Lena walked over to the coat rack and took her coat off its hook. "Are you ready to go?" She asked.
"Lena, I think maybe we should skip our lunch date today. You look really sick," Kara said with all the authority and confidence she could muster.
Lena looked at Kara and raised her eyebrows. "Excuse me?"
Kara was taken aback by Lenas sudden death glare. She'd seen Lena use it tons of times before, just never on her.
"I just, I-- of course you still look great, I mean you-- you always look great. I just-- I think that you should take the day off, you don't look like you're feeling well," Kara stuttered and looked at the ground, pushing her glasses up higher once more.
"Kara, I swear I'm fine," Lena insisted, but didn't make a very convincing argument as she coughed into her elbow as soon as she finished speaking.
Kara tilted her head and raised her eyebrows. "Lena, we're best friends, I know when somethings wrong."
Lena sighed. "You aren't going to give up are you?" She asked and bowed her head.
"No, so why don't you accept your defeat and you can come back to my loft and get some rest?" Kara suggested.
"Why can't I go to my apartment?" Lena asked and sniffled again.
"Because I know you, if I leave you you're just going to start working again," Kara replied.
Lena smiled. "Yeah, I would. But it's only because I'm not sick, I'm completely fine," she insisted and coughed again.
"All of your work will still be here tomorrow, besides you deserve a day off, so what do you say, will you let me take care of you?" Kara asked and Lena smiled in defeat.
"If it makes you happy, then I guess I'm alright with it," Lena said and accepted her defeat.
For the majority of car ride back to Karas house, Lena coughed and sneezed then insisted that she was okay and wasn't sick. When they arrived at the loft, Kara gave Lena a sweatshirt and sweatpants to change into.
Once Lena had changed, Kara came back to her bedroom with a tylenol a glass of water and a thermometer.
"Here, you should take this, it'll make you feel better," she said and handed her the tylenol and water.
Lena took the medicine and took a sip of water then set it on Karas bedside table.
"You should probably take your temperature," Kara gave Lena the thermometer.
Lena smiled and rolled her eyes. "Okay, but I'm fine."
When the thermometer beeped, Kara took it. "102.4" she read.
If she was being honest, Kara wasn't sure if 102.4 was bad. She'd never been sick herself except for the one time she'd lost her powers for a few days and caught a cold. But then she hadn't taken her temperature, so she really wasn't sure what to make of Lenas.
She excused herself, then frantically called her sister, Alex.
"Alex, I need your help Lena's sick," she said anxiously.
"Oh, well what do you need?" Alex asked.
"I-- well I took her temperature and it's 102.4, is that bad?" Kara asked.
She could hear Alex laugh over the phone. "She has a fever, have you given her any tylenol?"
"Okay, good. Just have her try to sleep it off and take it again in a few hours," Alex explained.
"Okay, thanks. Bye Alex."
She went back to her room and saw Lena sitting on her bed looking very confused and a little sad.
"Are you sure that it's okay if I stay here? I don't want to be a burden." Lena said quietly.
Kara shook her head. "Lena don't worry, you're not a burden. You're sick, there's nothing wrong with that."
Lena nodded, but she still looked ashamed.
Kara knew that Lena had grown up in a cold environment where her family didn't appreciate her like they should of. It hadn't crossed her mind before, but Kara then realized this was probably the first time anyone had offered to take care of Lena, and that's why she was pushing her away.
"You should get some sleep, okay," Kara said softly.
"In your bed? I don't want to get you sick," Lena asked.
Kara nodded and gave a warm smile. "Don't worry about it."
Kara turned to leave and was halfway to the door when Lena spoke again.
"Wait... can... can you stay with me? You-- you don't have to, I was just wondering," Lena asked shyly.
Kara smiled and nodded. She crawled into bed and sat next to Lena who was already lying down.
"I've just, I've never had anyone take care of me like this before. Thank you," she said, her voice fading away.
"Shh, you need to sleep," Kara said, and almost immediately Lena was out cold.
Even though she knew she was probably being creepy, Kara watched Lena. It wasn't as much watching her sleep as it was watchin over her, incase she suddenly needed anything. Or at least, that's how Kara justified it.
She took this time to take in all of Lenas features. Lena had always been beautiful to Kara, whenever she entered a room Karas eyes always went to her. Now, even though her face was pale and her nose was red and her eyes were puffy, Lena was still beautiful to Kara.
After about an hour or so, Lena woke up. She looked around from where she was lying down, trying to remember where she was. She instantly felt safe when she saw Kara sitting next to her and reading a book.
Kara noticed she was awake and gave her a reassuring smile. "How are you feeling?"
Lena rolled over onto her side and used her elbow to support herself while she rested her head in her palm. "I'm fine."
Kara tilted her head skeptically. "Sure, let me take your temperature again."
She handed Lena the thermometer.
"103.2" Lena read.
Kara nodded, unsure of what to do. "Um... can you give me a minute?" She asked then got up and ran into the living room, where she could call Alex without Lena overhearing her.
"Lena is still sick! Why isn't she better by now?" She whisper yelled into the phone.
Alex sighed. "It hasn't even been a day yet, you have to give it time. What's her temperature?" She asked.
"Okay, just make sure she stays hydrated and gets lots of rest." Alex said.
Kara said her goodbyes, then hung up. She got Lena a glass of water then went back to her room.
She sat down next to Lena, and Lena gave her a small smile.
"You should drink something," she said and handed her the water.
Lena took a few sips then gave it back to Kara. Kara assumed humans were supposed to drink more than few sips when they were sick, but she didn't want to push Lena too much.
"Can I ask you something?" Lena asked.
Kara nodded. "Anything."
"Maybe one day, when I don't have a fever and you don't have to take care of me, would you want to go on a date with me?" Lena asked nervously.
Kara smiled out of confusion. "Like our lunch dates?"
"No, like a real date," Lena explained, but when Kara didn't answer, she immediately assumed she'd said something wrong.
"I'm sorry, just forget I said that." She said quietly and bowed her head.
"No-- I mean yes! Yes! If you want to, I'd love to go on a date with you!" Kara exclaimed, her voice full of excitement.
Lena winced at the loud noise but smile anyways. "Really?" She asked sheepishly.
"Of course," Kara said quietly and kissed her on the forehead. "I would be honored."

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