The assignment

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Mike's P.O.V

I walked into work this morning feeling confident. Last night I found the biggest clue the whereabouts on the country's most wanted criminal. Today my boss Chief Jonzz might be assigning me to go undercover because Detective Gonzalez is out on his honeymoon so I might get a job. I walk to my desk and put down my coffee and before I can even sit down I hear the Chief Jonzz yell at me from across the department.

"Matthews! Get in here!" 

I sighed then put on a sarcastic smile. " Of course, sir." I yelled. I walked to his office and he was sitting at his desk hold files in one had and a coffee cup in the other.

"Yes sir?"

"I have an assignment for you." He said not looking up from his work. I waited a few seconds and he didn't reply.

"Well? What is it?" I ask

"Yesterday you uncovered one of the biggest clue on the most wanted criminal in the country. Well from that clue we found that she has an adoptive sister."

"Is the sister working with her?" I questioned.

"We don't know, that's why I need to to go undercover and figure it out."

I scoff at this. "Your kidding right?" He doesn't change his expression. 

"Oh..your serious?"

"I have never joked in my entire life Matthews."

I glare at him when he's not looking then he looks up and I wipe the look off my face.

"Well what do you want me to do I mean I've only done the undercover thing one time so-"

"Try asking her out, find out anything and everything you can about her."

"Wait- you want me to date her? And then break her heart?"

"She's a criminal Matthews, what do you care."

"You just said you didn't know if she was working with her."

"Whatever Matthews just figure it out."

"Well who is she?"

"Her names Kara Danvers."

"But the criminals name is Jamie Taylor."

"Criminals make up fake names Matthews." John said rolling his eyes. He turned his computer around and shows a beautiful woman's Instagram page.

"Is this her?" I questioned.

"Keep up Matthews. You can start to tomorrow I'll text you where she will be at 9:00 a.m."

I sighed then mumbled okay then left the office.


I had just gotten the text on the woman's whereabouts and I was headed to Noonan's coffee shop. I walked in and ordered a coffee to look normal then I looked around for her. Then I found her sitting at a table on her phone scrolling through it. Why are all the criminals so hot? She had Blonde hair pulled back into a high ponytail and she was wearing skinny jeans, wedges, and a blouse covered by a black leather jacket. I was about to walk over there when I felt my hands and they were sweaty. Am I nervous? No I can't be...  Well I haven't talked to a woman in about two years so...

I walk over there and sit down at her table like a weirdo completely uninvited.

"Hello." I say then immediately regret it.

"Hi..?" She says looking up from her phone.

"I just wanted to come over and tell you that your beautiful." Ugh why did I say that. Out of everything I could have said I said that.

"Umm thank you?" She said and chuckled a bit.

"Could I...could I have your number?"

"Why would I give you my number, your a random guy?" She said smiling and playing hard to get.

"Well I guess you'll just have to trust me." I said smiling.

She went into her purse and pulled out a piece of paper and wrote a few numbers on it then handed it to me. Then I heard a call from the distance yelling "Black coffee for Mike!" I shoot my head over in that direction.

"So I'm assuming your names Mike?" She asks.

"Yes," I said"And whats your name?" I ask with a small smile.

"I guess you'll just have to find out." She said smirking then taking a sip of her coffee. I smile then get up and go get my coffee and before I leave I look back and she was smiling and looking at her phone. She couldn't possibly be a criminal. Right?


So here is another Karamel Fanfic yay! This is just an Idea I had for Mon-el and Kara to be human and I thought it was a super cute idea and I think I'm going to have so much fun writing this one. If any of you guys are confused in this story Alex is the villain and yea. 

Please please please if your confused about the story or you have some criticism please comment it helps a lot because I don't know if my storys are any good and It would help to know thank you.

I hope you guys are having a good day/night.

And ummm....bye

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