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Malia and Scott sat on the McCall couch, watching tv when Malia looked over at Scott.

Malia pleaded "Come on Scott, I wanna get something to eat."

Scott looked at her and smile "Babe, we just got something to eat"

She rolled her eyes and pouted "But that was before I went for a run in the woods"

"Fine, let's go," He said

He stood and then pulled her up. She was smiling and kissed him.

"You might want to change your shirt, you have something on it." She told him

He rolled his eyes, looked down at his shirt then went upstairs to change. Malia sat back down on the couch and waited about five minutes before yelling "Come on Scott, you take longer than a girl just to change your shirt"

The doorbell rang, "Can you get that?" Scott asks

"Sure baby," Malia said sweetly as she opened the door to see a dark-haired girl standing there

"Aren't you dead?" Malia asked shocked

"Babe?.... Babe?.... Who is it?" Scott yelled from upstairs

"I think you need to come down here" Malia choked out, Scott came running down the stairs. His eyes were glowing Alpha red

"Who is it? What's wrong?" he said

"Allison?" Scott asked surprised as his eyes returned brown.

Scott stared at Allison in disbelief and then looked at Malia who quickly looked to the ground.

She walked into the house and said "I guess I should explain"

Scott nodded "Yeah"

"Kate is brought me back to some weird temple in Mexico and I went home and dad wasn't there" she started

"He out with Melissa" Malia stated

"She wants me to help her. She did something to me when she brought me back" Allison continued and then flashed her eyes green.

Scott stepped back "She must have done something like she did with Derek," he said

"I have to call your dad, I'll be right back I left my phone upstairs" he turned and went upstairs

Malia finally looked up from the floor, "Why else are you here?" Malia asked, she could sense something from Allison.

Allison looked at her smiling then said "To get back what is mine"

Malia rolled her eyes and scolded "And what do you think is yours?"

She smiled again and said "Scott of course"

Malia growled and her eyes glowed icy blue "he's not yours"

"We'll see after he sees how violent you are" Allison whisper to Malia and Malia's claws extended

"Scott! Hurry up!" Allison yelled all panicked, smiling and when Scott come down the stairs she stopped smiling and acted Scared

"Malia, what's wrong?" Scott asked walked towards her.

She was staring at Allison then looked at Scott her eyes returned to brown and he pulled her into a hug and she wrapped her arms around him, "what's wrong" he asked

"Nothing" She replied nuzzling her face into his chest as Scott stroked her hair.

Allison rolled her eyes then clear her throat. Scott looked over his shoulder at her

"Your dad is on his way here, he will be here in about 20 minutes," he told her

Allison nodded and asked "Hey can I use your phone, I want to call Lydia"

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and handed it to her and told her "Try not to scare her"

Allison nodded and smile slightly. She walked into the kitchen and pulled Lydia's phone number and called

"What do you want Scott? You know me and Lydia are spending this weekend together!" Stiles exclaimed

"Stiles it's me, Allison!" Allison said excitedly She could hear Stiles falling on the floor, rustling as he was standing up

"How?" That was all she heard him say

"Kate, she wants to use me for something" she replied,

"we are on our way." He yelled and hung up

Meanwhile in the hallway

Scott pulled away from Malia so she was looking at him. He could sense she was mad.

"Baby what's wrong?" Scott asked

"Nothing, I'm fine" She replied moving her hand from Scott and start fidgeting with her Jacket sleeves, he signed know she wouldn't tell him until she was ready.

He pulled her into a kissed and she gladly returned the kiss before pulling back and smiling.

"Everything will be fine" he whispered in her ear as Allison walked back in and handed Scott his phone and smiled awkwardly

"What?" Scott asked

"I called Lydia...." she replied

"Did she freak?" He interrupted

"No actually I didn't talk to her at all, Stiles answered it and asked what you wanted that you know they are spending the weekend together" she finished

"Oh right, well those two finally got together and Stiles works at the FBI so he comes back every few weeks" Scott explained

"Really? They finally got together, I called that since sophomore year" she laughed

Argent came running into the house with Melissa right behind him, he stopped when he saw her, tears forming in his eye.

"Dad" Allison smiled and ran and hugged him and he wrapped his arms around her and the tears rolled down his cheeks.

Melissa smiled looking up at Scott, who was watching the Argents smiling, then she looked at Malia who was standing behind Scott looking sad.

Allison pulled back from Argent and asked "What were you two doing?"

Chris Argent smiled shyly and said "Melissa and I were on a date" Allison looked between them

"Come on we can go home and talk about this" Chris said turning to Melissa

"Lydia is coming." Allison stated

"You can talk upstairs" Melissa suggested

Chris Argent nodded and walked up the stairs with Allison as she walked past Scott's room she could smell his scent everywhere and she loved it.

Melissa walked into the kitchen and Scott followed her

"What's wrong mom?" He asked

"Nothing I- She- it's a miracle she is alive." Melissa said

"Yeah but know Kate there is a reason" Scott sighed

"What is wrong with Malia?" Melissa asked

Scott shrugged "She won't tell me," he said looking defeated

Melissa look through the house and told him "I'll try talking to her"

Melissa walked to the front porch where Malia was now standing

"Everything okay?" Melissa asks as she sat on the stairs

"Yeah I'm fine" Malia sat next to her

"Malia you can talk to me anytime you need to even if you just need to complain about my son" Melissa smiled

Malia returned the smile "Thanks Melissa"

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