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4 months later

Malia was laying in the couch, Sonny and Henry was at school. Scott called Malia to check on her.

"What?" Malia growled, answering the phone

"How you feeling today?" Scott asked

"In pain this baby was supposed to come out a month ago" Malia complained

"I know I'm on my way now to take you to the hospital so they can induce labor" Scott told her

"Good hurry up and we aren't having another kid" Malia stated

Malia hung up and got up to put her shoes on. She waited for Scott to pull up then she walked outside. Scott helped her in the car then drove them to the hospital. They walked in and Melissa took them to a room.

"I don't really see how this is gonna work, we can give the medicine because she heals too fast" Melissa said

"But it could make her go into labor before she heals but we can still try" she added

"Just get this baby out" Malia growled, her eyes glowing red

"It shouldn't hurt that bad" Melissa said pulling the ultrasound over

She checked the baby's heart rate and movement.

"She is in distress" Melissa said

"We need to get the baby out now but if we do a c-section but she'll heal too fast" Melissa said

"Just get Dr Geyer we can get something for the healing" Scott told he

Scott called Isaac "Isaac I need some of that liquid that stops the healing now"

"Why what's wrong?" Isaac asked

"Malia needs a c-section but she'll heal too fast" Scott explained

"I'll be there soon" Isaac said

"He's on his way babe" Scott said taking some of her pain

"Scott we can't lose another baby" Malia cried in pain

"We won't" Scott told her, hugging her and stroking her hair

Isaac ran in with the liquid a few minutes later.

"That was fast" Scott commented

"Cora told me I had five minutes to get it here or she was gonna skin me alive" Isaac panted "I think she was serious" he added, handing Scott the vial

Dr Geyer came in and told him to go, Scott gave Malia some of the liquid as Dr Geyer made the incision. Malia growled at them and Scott took some of her pain. They got the baby out as fast as they could then he stitched Malia up. They clean the baby then handed her to Scott.

"Hi Kylie" Scott smiled

Scott handed her to Malia and Malia smiled.

"She beautiful" Malia said

"Here I'll take her and clean her up" Melissa told her

Malia handed Kylie to Melissa, Melissa and Dr Geyer walked out the room.

"Are you still in pain" Scott asked

"Not as much" she replied

"Scott she's a werecoyote" Malia tells him "I can feel it"

"You give her half your strength" Scott says

"I was hoping she would just be human" Malia sighed

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