what she wants | hemi.

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Being a junior in high school is hard enough, with worrying about grades and SAT's and college acceptances, but when you factor in parties every weekend, alcohol, and sex, that just makes things more stressful. But you don't have to tell Demi Lovato that twice - she knows the struggle firsthand. Standing 5'2, with huge black glasses and a ton of books to carry, she is often labeled as a nerd, or when she hangs out with her friend Luke and his band, an emo. She's worlds apart from her childhood best friend, Harry Styles: rich guy that gets all the chicks. Demi goes to his locker sometimes in the morning only to find him locking lips with some girl: Taylor, Vanessa, Miley, and most recently, Ariana. Just this morning, before chemistry, she saw her pressing him to the wall next to the classroom, resting her petite body on his large frame a bit awkwardly as she trailed kisses all along his neck. Demi hadn't realized she'd been staring until Harry caught her eye and winked, telling her to save him a seat in class. She quickly scurried along, taking her seat with flushed cheeks.

Demi's only had one boyfriend in her life, Nick, but all they did was make out. He was one of Harry's friends, and that should've been the first key to his unfaithfulness. Harry almost beat the living shit out of Nick when he caught the male hooking up with Ariana, yet here he was, making out with her in public like it was no big deal. Because it wasn't for Harry; he lost his virginity three years ago and hasn't stopped since then. He went from high school girls to college and now does both. Demi knows, she hears about every single one, when she has never done more than kiss a guy. And she seemed to be the only one, too. Even her friend Selena had sex with a guy named Niall a few months ago. Demi just didn't think anyone was interested and was starting to come to terms with the virginity she'd be stuck with for eternity... Even though she really wants to get rid of it.

She tried meeting up with Harry after school, as he usually gave her a ride to her house where they'd chill all night until he had to go home, but he got caught up with the redhead once more. Rolling her eyes, Demi didn't even attempt to get his attention; it'd be pointless. She'd just have to catch the bus or something.

"Demz wait up!" She heard while walking to her bus. She turned around, dodging a few people until she could see the person calling her. It was Luke. He was in the passenger seat of some guy's truck she's never seen before. He had curly hair pulled back by a red bandana and wore a lot of bracelets. "Need a ride?" Her tall, blonde friend offered, despite not being the driver. Shrugging her shoulders, figuring why not, Demi nodded and hopped into the back seat with a couple guys that were vaguely familiar but she didn't know their names.

They ended up back at the driver's place, who she learned was named Ashton and was in community college, although she told her mom Harry took her back to his place to switch things up. Her mom wasn't a big fan of Luke and his crew, although Demi wasn't quite sure why. He was a nice lad, despite his lip ring and his friends' obsessions with tattoos. Harry had tattoos, and her mom loved him. She didn't get it, but that thought soon slipped from her mind when she started having fun with Luke and his friends. Ashton became very grabby, touching her hair or cheek, calling her pet names, or pulling her onto his lap. It was weird; no guy has ever taken this much interest in her before, but she was obviously not going to complain. He was hot and she's been waiting for this moment to come. She couldn't wait to tell Selena tomorrow.


Well, the next day came and Demi rushed to Selena's locker. She was slightly out of breath, and it took her a few moments before she started her story. Nearby, Harry was about to either strangle himself or Ariana if she did not stop talking about how the world was going to end because her father wasn't getting her an expensive limo for junior prom. He didn't care and probably would never - he thought about how Demi hated dances and proms, especially drawing attention to herself (which is what Ariana loved). He spotted Demi with her friend a few lockers down, trying to listen in on their conversation.

"And then he grabbed my waist and pulled me onto his lap. His arms were HUGE and he was so comfortable and Sel he smells AMAZING and I had to leave early but he gave me his number and I'm still shaking. What if he's the one who takes it, Sel?" She asked, both girls (and Harry) knowing what she was referring to. "Oh my god that would be so perfect he's perfect gah!" She rambled, Selena laughing and trying to calm her down. The curly haired male furrowed his eyebrows; who the hell was she talking about?  


That afternoon was a blessing for Harry: Ariana had left school in the middle of the day for some reason the male can't (and won't be bothered to) remember. He was at his locker when he noticed Demi walking towards the entrance of the school. He quickly grabbed what he needed, slammed the locker door, and jogged to catch up to her. "Wait up, D!"

She turned around at the sound of her best friend's voice and gave him a smile. They were now outside, among other high schoolers scurrying to their rides, eager to leave school grounds for the day. "Hey Haz, what's up?" She asked, hugging her books to her chest.

"Where you goin’? You usually wait for me and then we walk to my car," he reminded her, a slight frown on his lips.

Demi was about to speak when a black truck pulled up next to the curb, a song Demi recognized but Harry didn't blasting from inside. Some song by Papa Roach. Ashton reached over from the driver's seat to peek his head out of the passenger window. He spotted Demi and grinned, honking the horn. "Let's go, babe!" He called out, looking a little impatient. He noticed the tall (but not as tall as him) guy with his girl and furrowed his eyebrows.

"I'll be right there, Ash!" She turned to Harry, patting his shoulder and smiling her goodbye before speed walking to Ash's car. Harry watched his best friend climb into that punk’s car and drive off, a laugh escaping her lips that made it way back to Harry. He was dumbfounded, and a million questions were running through his head. The main one: was he really going to let this guy take Demi away from him?

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