Chapter 8

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Dad pointed the gun at her, threatening to shoot. Kiana stood there, staring at us with her knife in her hand.

I looked at them and they saw that something was wrong. Brandon wasn't on the ground anymore. I looked around, trying to find out where he went before he could hurt one of us.

Then I saw him.

He was behind us. Well, not behind us, more like behind dad. He had his sword in his hand and a killer expression on his face. He looked like he was going to kill my dad.

He raised his sword.

"Dad! Watch out!!!!!" I yelled. Dad jumped to the side while the sword came down, and just in time too. If he were a second slower, he would have gotten seriously hurt. Anyways, dad spun around and aimed a punch to Brandon's head, but he ducked. Then he..... wait, how do I explain this?

Like, you know in the movies when someone tries to punch someone else, but then they ducked, swung their legs or something, and tripped the other person? Well, if you know what I mean, then I'll have you know, that's exactly what Brandon did. If you don't, that's okay, I'll just say that Brandon tripped Dad, because technically, he did. Anyways, Dad ended up actually landing a punch, making Brandon fall, but he got back up quickly.

"Guys! Don't just stand there! Help me!" Dad yelled. Oliver, Zoë and I stared at each other, then we went to help Dad. Dad left Brandon to us, and Oliver's dad and my dad went to deal with Kiana.

"No!" Brandon yelled. "Leave her alone!"

He struggled because Zoë and Oliver were holding him back. I looked behind me and saw dad shooting at a blur that was zooming from side to side. Then I looked forward just in time to see Brandon go into animal form. He disappeared in an orange cloud of smoke, and when he reappeared, he was a giant cat. It looked like a lion and a tiger combined.


Wasn't there an animal that was called a Liger or something? Like, when a male lion and a female tiger have a baby? Either that or it's the other way around. But either way, that's definitely what Brandon was. Anyways, he struggled, trying to get free, when he scratched Zoë in the face. She fell, letting go of Brandon and put her hand on her cheek.

Then Brandon turned and launched himself at Oliver, who fell to the ground surprised and scared. I ran at them and pushed Brandon off of Oliver. He looked at me and snarled, so I backed off a little.

He turned back into human form and ran at me. He tackled me, with his hands on my throat. Then I punched his stomach making him get off me. He stood up, with his hand clutching his stomach, and stared at me.


Brandon's P.O.V

As I stood there, glaring at the guy who punched me, I could see the men who were shooting their so-called guns while Kiana was dodging for her life.

"Get out of my way!" I growled.

"If it means getting killed by my dad, then I can't. Sorry." The guy said though I swear I could hear a bit of guilt in his voice. I realized I still had my sword, so I ran at him. When I got close enough, I pointed my sword at the guy's neck.

"Aiden!" The kids who were holding me back before said.

Aiden stared at the sword, not moving because of the sharp point at his throat. Then I heard a gunshot, and a girl squeals out of pain. Alarmed, I looked behind Aiden and saw Kiana stand there. A second later she fell to the ground.

"Kiana!!" I yelled. I ran towards her, pushing aside Aiden. I kneeled beside her and saw blood on the side of her stomach. She had her eyes closed, so that's not a good sign.

"Kiana...Kiana are you okay? Can you hear me? Please get up." I said, shaking her. Nothing happened. She can't be dead. Right?


Aiden's P.O.V

I watched as Brandon held Kiana, who had her eyes closed. I looked closely and saw that there was blood on the side of her stomach. Whoa, wait. Did Dad actually manage to shoot her? I looked at my dad, who grinned and pointed his gun at Brandon.

"Any last words?" Dad said. Brandon looked up and glared at him, but he stayed silent and hugged Kiana.

"Good." He said, pointing his gun at Brandon. He was about to shoot when there were growls in the bushes. I looked around wildly and saw eyes glowing in the shadows of the trees and in the bushes. All around us, people with swords and stuff jumped out of the bushes or out of the shadows. I stood there, frozen, as they closed in on us.

"Drop the weapons" one of them snarled. I looked around and saw three of them that I actually recognized. Remember the first time we went into the forest? When we got caught in the traps Kiana made? Well, the older girl, and the only girl other then Kiana was there. The guy who hates people was there. And the second oldest dude was there. Everybody else though, I had no idea who they were.

"I said drop the weapons!!" The same one snarled, raising his voice. I didn't have any weapons on me, so I looked at my dad. Both his and Oliver's dad were still holding the guns.

"Guys!" I whisper-shouted at them. "Drop the fricking guns! We'll get killed if you don't!"

Dad stared at me but said nothing.

"Fine. If you won't follow my orders, I'll show you how we deal with outsiders." The Mixed-Soul growled. "Thorn! TigerClaw! Deal with the older ones! BlackTail, WolfFang, and Iron! Deal with those!"

He pointed at me, Zoë, and Oliver.

He then whispered in some other Mixed-Soul's ear.

Oh god. I knew this would happen. I felt a hand grab my arm with a solid grip. I looked behind and saw a Mixed-Soul glaring back at me.

He grinned, showing long, pointy fangs easily the size of my middle finger. I heard a scream, so I looked in the direction Zoë was. There were two Mixed-Souls each grabbing one of her arms, yanking her back.

One of them covered her mouth, making her scream. It was muffled though.  One thought shot through my mind over, and over again though;

What's going to happen to us?

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