Chapter 2

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  Danny was now a Fenton, and four years old. Maddy and Jack have been more distracted recently. Their always in the basement, or with Jazz at events for school. He was being forced to learn things on his own without help. They were even forgetting to bring him to, and pick him up from preschool. On those days, Danny walks and learns the roads. Today, They left him at home to go to Jazz's smart people competition. Danny decided it was a good idea to explore in his parents lab. He wanted to find out what was so great about it. Capturing his parents attention like it was their lifeline.

Walking through the vault door and down the basement stairs was exciting. Danny looked around while standing on the bottom step. "Wow!" Everything had something to do with the green goop everywhere. Danny walked around until he came across a Giant, metal hexagon in the back wall. He walked in, ignoring the 'Keep Out' sign on the front of it. He walked to the back of the portal, with a hand on the right wall. He then decided to go check out something else and started to leave. When he was about to leave the hexagon, his foot got stuck on a wire. He fell with his arms out to try and stop the fall. It didn't work, but he did hit the on switch on accident.

  Danny awoke to the stinging pain of being electrocuted. He slowly got up and limped out of the metal hole. As he walked past the mirror in the lab (Don't question the convenient mirror), He saw a flash of white. Turning to look In the mirror, Danny saw snow white hair, and glowing, neon green eyes. "Omg! NO! This can't be happening. No, no, no, no, no. I can't be a ghost, they'll hate me." Danny panicked. He was to wrapped up in his panic attack to notice white circles enveloping him. He looked back up to see himself again, but he had black hair and blue eyes. 'WTF?' Danny thought. He then calmed down and signed in relief. 'At least it wasn't permanent.' Danny thought. Looking back up at the clock on the wall he noticed it was almost seven P.M. 'Mom and Dad should be home any minute.' Danny hurried up the stairs, and into his room. He couldn't let them find out what happened.

  "Jazz go change and work on your project." Danny could overhear his Mom call out Jazz. "Okay Mom." Jazz hurried up the stairs and straight into Danny's room. "Danny I brought you some candy." Jazz said. "Thanks Jazz." Danny said, as he hugged his sister. "Did you have fun?" Danny asked Jazz. "Yeah, I just wish you could have been there." Jazz said. "Well, you know how Mom and Dad are about you and school events. They don't want me to infect you with my 'immature' ways." I said with a sigh. "Well they can shove that up there stupid butts." Jazz said while crossing her arms. Danny laughed and layed down. "Night Jazz, Love you." "Night Danny love you, too." Jazz exited the room.


   It had been months since the incident, I still hadn't gotten the hang of my powers. Speaking of which I just phased through the kitchen floor, sigh.  I then looked around and saw that I was in a room I had never seen before, which is saying a lot. It was a small room that looked like a big closet, and there was a small couch side table with an envelope. I walked forward slowly just to make sure it was safe, not that it mattered in my ghost form. I picked up the envelope and looked at what was written on the front. "To: Daniel Fenton From: CW". I opened the letter to see if I could figure out who "CW" was,

      Dear Daniel,

                 This letter was to make sure your destiny went in the correct direction. You may have noticed that this room is completely sealed off and you probably found it by accidentaly phasing through the floor. Don't worry, I won't tell your parents or anybody else about your secret. I wish to inform you that you were adopted and that you should be prepared to keep your parents from finding out about this as well. I wish I could tell you who they are, or were. They died and you were hidden for your safety.

                There is a key in the envelope, I wish you would take this and test it on a door while imagining your secret fantasy hideaway. It will take you there and give you everything you could ever want and more. Use it wisely and be safe, another secret to keep. Good Luck.



    Well that was certainly an informative letter. I emptied the envelope into my hand and saw a black key that looked and felt like it was made of a black metal. Their was a leather band around it so it was almost like a necklace. I smiled and phased my way back into the kitchen. Jazz and my parents are gone so I'm home alone for the day. I walked up to the front door and stuck the key in, it fit. I then, turned the key and slowly opened the door. My eyes widened, I was now in the middle a field that held the largest most magical tree I had ever seen. It was like a large willow tree, but it had windows and a door and everything was just so majestically magical. I looked around the rest of the clearing, only to find a forest with the same magical vibe as the giant tree. I'll explore the forest after exploring the tree. I ran up to the tree and opened the door. The letter guy was write their was everything I could ever imagine in this place. The library was huge and their was every book I could ever imagine. The kitchen was big with all the cupboards stocked with food, healthy and un-healthy. I then wondered into the largest room dedicated to just games ever. Their was every game station That had ever existed, along with every game I could think of. I walked over to the tv and started watching some stupid cartoon Jazz was watching the other day.

    After a while I started to think what to do next when, I realized Jazz and my parents would be coming home soon. How do I leave? Maybe I just out the key back In the door to leave. I jogged up to the front door and stuck the key in. I opened the door and was back at home. I looked at the clock only to see it was the same time that it was when I left. "huh". I said aloud as I started walking to my room. I sat on my bed pondering how the key worked for the rest of the night.


1 year later


      Its been one year since I discovered the key. It's great, I know a lot of stuff now. I don't seem to age while I'm in the other world though which kind of sucks. The way I think doesn't change while I'm there either, so I still think like a five year old. It sucks, but I should have expected a down side to the amazingness that was the key. I start school tomorrow and I didn't pass the test for Jazz's school so I'm going to Midtown elementary. My parents, if you could call them that, won't stop comparing me to Jazz. I much preferred them ignoring me in total. I'm excited to get out of the house without them or Jazz. I get to be with other kids and can actually make friends.


     So friends was a bust, I'm now the weird kid who is now an outsider with no friends. Great.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I also hope that is much better paced than my old version of this. Merry Christmas.

Danny Black a potter- phantom crossover (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now