Chapter 5

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Oh hey look a chapter in the same month as the last one I uploaded. Be proud that I remembered to do this.


These past few years things have changes. My parents have started to pay more attention to me because Jazz kind of yelled her but off at them. I actually think of them as family now, and Sam and Tucker have gotten closer with me. I'm actually happy and Vlad has given up on getting my mom, thank god. He's around more often, and he has started to help with my ghost training, not that I don't already have it mastered. Thank you Clockwork for that key. Cujo now hangs around me at most times, the exceptions are when he has to go to the ghost zone to recharge. Another perk of being half human. I have a field trip tomorrow, though Clockwork has made me a little paranoid. Him and those stupid cryptic messages, 'Daniel, be prepared for the worst and remember to not lose yourself.' What does he mean by that, I don't know!


I know what Clockwork meant now. All I could remember from my state of shock was fire, the smell of burning flesh and the sounds of screaming and crying. It was complete chaos, one minute I was chatting with Sam and Tucker, the next the bus was flying and everything went to hell. Sam's face of pain and shock kept flashing in my mind as did the others. I should have followed Clockwork's advice, but no. I had to be a freaking idiot and let my guard down. If only I didn't. All of this could have been prevented.

Meanwhile on the other side of the room a doctor and nurse looked on it pity and sadness.

"He shouldn't have to go through this." Said the nurse as they watched the child curl up in a ball and cry.

"I know, but their is nothing we could have done." The doctor said regretfully.

The nurse nodded and started walking towards the crying child to try and comfort him. When she gently laid a hand on his shoulder his head shot up to look at her startled.

"It's going to be okay. Your uncle is here to visit you, as well as your godfather." She said.

I nodded, then remembered that I don't have a godfather.... OH! It's Clocky. I thought with a small smile making its way to my face. "Can I see them." I said hesitantly.

"Of course, honey." She said as she started to walk out of the room.

A few minutes later I saw Vlad and Clocky make their way into the room. I greeted them with a solem smile and hugged them. "It's nice to see you two." I said.

"It's nice to see you to Daniel. Can I just ask though who this is, and why I haven't heard of him?" Vlad said with a small curious smile.

I just grinned and said, "Why, this is Clocky my lovely godfather."

Clockwork just rolled his eyes and held his hand out to Vlad, "David Work at your service."

Vlad shook his hand, "But why had I never heard of you?" Vlad's eyes were narrowed at this point.

"Why do you think." Clockwork said.

I giggled, which caused Vlad to look at me in exasperation. "Daniel who is he actually?"

Clockwork just sighed and exited the body, which went limp and fell to the floor. "Ghost of time otherwise known as Clockwork to those who actually know me."

Vlad gapped and looked between me and Clocky at a quick pace. "How the hell did you make friends with the ghost of time?" Vlad asked.

I giggled again and just shook my head. Vlad just sighed knowing he wasn't going to get an answer. "Danny I will be adopting you in my human form, we will have to go out occasionally to keep up appearances but we will be mainly in the ghost zone." Clocky said as he re-possessed the body on the floor. I nodded.

Danny Black a potter- phantom crossover (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now