The Descendant of Cancer

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(I drew the picture myself)

Now we jump back into the present and see who this descendant of Cancer is . . . 

We are taken to an orphanage where a 14 year old girl and her younger brother are sitting bored by the window . . . .

(Girl) "Yet, another boring day in this building waiting for those who never think of us."

(Young Boy) "Jeez Josy, get a hold of yourself, once you turn 15 tomorrow we can get out of this place and SUE THESE PEOPLE FOR HOLDING US HERE CAPTIVE!!!!!!!"

(Josephine) "You know Alan, Don't let your imagination get the better of you."

(Alan) "But you know, we could have much better lives if we actually got out of here SUE THESE PEOPLE FOR HOLDING US HERE CAPTIVE!!!!!"

(Josephine) "Stop repeating yourself, it's annoying. And anyways, it's safer to stay here considering we are one of the most powerful zodiacs. Our powerful aura attracts monsters and it's hard enough trying to protect myself, and then there is you. You can't even use your power yet. Plus, I am not even that powerful. All I can do is turn into a crab."

(Alan) *snicker* "That's funny, lets see you turn into a crab now!!!!! Ha! Ha! Your power is lame. Even though I'm not that powerful, my hair gets hairier every time I try to transform into my cool lion. Since I am LEO THE LION!!!!!!!!

(Josephine) "Shut up!!!!!!!!!!! You don't whose around and stop making fun of me!!!!! I can pinch your butt harder than anyone in this whole world. And my crab form is cool. Don't make fun of it.

To the next day where Josephine and her brother leave the orphanage . . . 

(Josephine) "Alan! Did you get all your stuff together to leave? The cab is coming in 2 minutes to pick us up to drop us off at our new apartment."

(Alan) "Almost done, just trying to decide if I want to bring my orange lion or my blue lion. I know! I'll just bring both! Ok, I'm ready! Is the apartment going to be big?

(Josephine) "Yes, big enough for the both of us. Your lucky I was able to make 100,000 dollars in about 3 years. And anyways, I'm thinking of getting a cat, since it won't interfere with anything.

(Alan) "WE'RE GETTING A CAT!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!! I AM TOTES EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!"

(Josephine) "Why are you talking like that? The taxi is here, come on."

(Driver) "Hello miss where would you like me to take you?"

(Josephine) "Uhhhh . . . aren't you supposed to know? I put the address in the phone when ordering a cab." * i don't know if i can trust this guy, he seems suspicious. *

(Driver) "Sorry miss but I didn't get it, would you tell me where your apartment is?????" 

He slowly crept towards them and his body was changing into this slithering monster I cannot describe. But he is a disgusting monster that reminds me of a snake.

(Josephine) "RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * i didn't think we would run into a monster this early!!!!!!! i am screaming at the top of my lungs, i am such a moron. *



Then suddenly, a swift body comes in and kills the monster . . . Who is this person? All the author can tell you is that this person is one of the zodiacs : )

(Mysterious Person) "Sorry beautiful flower you had to see that, I am . . . . . 

Read on to find out who he is and which zodiac he is!!!!!!!!


(Mysterious Stranger) "Sorry, but she made this amazing character that loves to flatter girls and make girls fall in love with me. It's amazing is it not? Well, your going to have to endure for the whole story."

If you guys keep complaining I'll make it worse for you, so shut it.

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