Chapter 3 | Taehuyng

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"Father? Whats the matter?" I asked when I arrived to the palace. He was talking to a few people which I recognized. They were the parents of my future queen. I had a bad feeling in my stomach.

Father turned to face me, a proud and bright smile on his face, "Son, we have arranged your marriage to in six months from now. Treat your queen well!"

All of a sudden, The world seemed small. I couldn't hear anyone but my own thoughts. What about finding true love? What about my future? And most of all, what about the singer? Wait... why am I thinking about him? Theres just too much happening right now. I feel sick.

I responded to father with a fake smile. I could see the wickedness in his eyes. I could see the hatred, the disgust. I remember my dreadful past of pain and sickness.

       But that doesn't matter. The past is the past.

       But I can't seem to shake the thought of that mysterious singer out of my head. I just can't seem to forget his beautiful voice.


I can't seem to stop thinking about what's going to happen to me.


Ugh I can't stand this anymore.


Who? Oh. "Park Mirae."

"Taehyung, I'm sorry," my betrothed spoke sadly, as if she had done something wrong. Mirae and I have known each other for a short while, and in that little amount of time, we have become very close. She knows all my secrets, I know all of hers.

"For what?" I ask, confused.

"I couldn't stop it. I couldn't stop our parents from making their decision. I just couldn't do it," She spoke as a single tear slipped down her cheek.

"Mirae. It's not your fault," although I wished something could be done to prevent it, I knew nothing would, "You don't need to feel guilty. You didn't do anything wrong."


"None of this is your fault. You don't have to worry, besides, I know who's fault it actually is." A picture of my 'perfect' father is displayed in my head.

She looks at me, and hugs me. I hug her back. Mirae is the sort of person to bring you back to reality. She will comfort you when you aren't you. She will help you deal with your problems. She will pull you through anything. That's why I love her.

I can still get through this.

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