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            "TRUTH Or DARE!!!"
Y'all down for it?Essie asked.
(Everybody agreed one by one.)

ESSIE'S POV:(Without hesitation)....Joy truth or dare?
JOY'S POV:Uuum truth.

ESSIE'S POV:Have you ever messed with Jamie?
JOY'S POV:)Nervously)...watchu mean?.....and I haven't!!!

DAMA'S POV:Joy you can't lie.....
TIANA'S POV:Aha!!!.....Joy is it true?

ESSIE'S POV:You ain't gotta lie or catch an attitude??.....I won't be mad at you!!
JOY'S POV:Am done with this stupid game.

TIANA'S POV:joy........
JOY'S POV:Ummkay yes I did it was this one time but it ain't mean nun' istG.

ESSIE'S POV:Why didn't you tell me??
JOY'S POV:coz it was just stupid and it mean nothing!!!.........
(everyone was in disbelief.)

NATASHA's POV:Next..........
GRuSHA'S POV:Essie truth or dare?

ESSIE'S POV:truth.
GRUSHA'S POV:Are you and Jamie back together?
(everybody turns to Essie.)

ESSIE'S POV:(Boldly..)Hell to the Naah!!
TIANA'S POV:Id believe you.
NATASHA'S POV:Me either.we all know how mad in love you was with that boy.

ESSIE'S POV:well Y'all gotta believe me coz I said so!!!
NATASHA'S POV:Ummkay if you say so!!!......who is next??

DAMARIS' POV:Tiana truth or dare?
TIANA'S POV:Idk why you chose me.....but Dare?

DAMARIS' POV:Good.I dare you to scream Damaris is the Queen and I am the peasant!!!.....(She smirked)
TIANA'S POV:Girl bye ain't no way am doing that!!!
(Everybody laughed.)

JOY'S POV:Tianah you gotta do the dare....
TIANA'S POV:Hell Naah!!!

ESSIE'S POV:(Giggling)We agreed no ruining the dare!!!
TIANA'S POV:Okay!okay!.......I'm Finna do it coz it's a dare!!!.....but ain't no way you are a queen and I am a peasant!!!

DAMARIS' POV:I'm glad this dare put you low coz you always bossy lol.
TIANA'S POV:Whew chill with the stupidity!!!!
(Everybody laughed.)

Stay tuned for chapter ten to see the rest of the dare and more!!!

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