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(We all danced until the party hype had simmer)
JOY'S PORV:Y'all let's go hear what Carolina wanted to tell us.

TIANAH PORV:I bet it's nothing important......can we like continue partying it's our day!!!

MOKEIRA'S PORV:Y'all need to stop with all the mushy stuff!!!This is our last day together.Nobody knows when we gon' see each other again so we might as well enjoy ourselves.All other bs aside!!!
(we all nodded In agreement to what Mokeira said)

                A FEW MINUTES LATER
(Carolina pops up where we were)
CAROLINA'S PORV:So I'll just go ahead and tell Y'all what I wanted t0!!!
(Grusha bursts out laughing)
Grusha this ain't no laughing matter but any who imma just ignore that and get straight to the point.
(we all gave Carolina attention to hear what she gon' say.)

What is Carolina finna tell us?Is it worth it?"STAY TUNED" for the next   chapter!!!

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