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Katsuki's POV

"Okay class, dismiss. Please be careful walking home and don't let your guard down" Sensei said in sleepy tone as he wear his caterpillar like jacket? Don't fucking know that thing so I name it a jacket.

I stretch my arms as I swing my bag at my shoulder walking outside.

"Bakugou" A plain voice called me and I already know who is it.

"What the fuck do you want now, Icy Hot!" I shout but he just look at me making me piss off.

"If you just fucking staring at me and didn't say a damn word, I'll leaving" As I was about to again, he held my wrist as he turn me.

" careful" He said in low tone but i still heard it all.


'Ba-dump my ass!' I thought angrily.

"Don't fucking underestimate me half-half, you know that I'm stronger than you so i don't fucking need your pity" I said pulling my wrist out of his grip, he look down.

"I know" He mumble as I give him a 'tch' as I walk away.

As I was walking outside of the U.A, my mind was repeating what that Icy Hot said.

"Tch! What a scum" I said grumpily as look down.

"But why I'm feeling weird inside?" I question to no one as I keep walking.

"Maybe, I'm just hungry" I said softly.

' careful' The half-half's word was keep reapiting in my mind.

"Be careful my ass!" I mumbled tching as I walk to the dark alley, someone suddenly jump behind me making my guard up as I turn quickly to look who the fuck is it.

'It's a villain' I thought as I quickly punch it and create a explosion infront of his shit face while jumping away a little.

"The fuck you want!" I shout giving him a death glare as he wipe his chin while he just give me a stare and give me a fucking smirk making me piss off.

"A hot-headed one" He said making me confused a little but put my guard higher this time.

"Why do you fucking care!" I shout as I charge towards the shit face villain but he suddenly throw some shity powder infront of my face making me cough.

"The fuck was that!" I question as I keep coughing because the weird powder.

"Just a changing personality powder" He said smirking making me look at him confusedly.

"What?!" I said not getting what the fuck he saying.

"You don't need to know" He said making me piss me off.

"TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK IS IT" I yelled charging towards him while a explosion coming out in my hands but he suddenly throw some powder at the ground making a big smoke of dust.

'The fuck!' I thought covering my eyes with my arms to prevent me from having some dust in my eyes, when the dust disappear and the shit face villain was nowhere to be seen.

"Bullshit!" I shout as I ruffle my hair.

"I will fucking kill that shit face, when I see him" I said gritted my teeth in annoyance as I walk away like nothing happened.


I slammed the door open making the old hag yelled at me with her big fucking mouth.

"Shut the hell up!" I yelled back walking upstairs loudly as I slammed close my door piss off.

"Every FUCKING day!" I shout as I went to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

As finish I wore black sleeveless shirt and a black shorts, I slammed my body at the bed sighing heavely.

"If that powder cause trouble I will not fucking hesitant to kill that shit face villain" I mumble closing my eyes as I drift to sleep.


The sound of the alarm clock woke me up, I create a explosion through my hands and make the alarm clock explode.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I shout as I make the alarm clock explode.


"FUCK OFF" I shout back as I grumpily walk towards the bathroom, stripping myself I walk towards the shower as turn it on.

"I don't think that shit face's quirk effect on me" I said as I put a shampoo at my hair. "Tch! Such a weak quirk" I said as I let the bubles be cleared by water and grabbing the soup.

"Is he just fucking trick me or what? Nevemind as long as I stay normal it's good but I'm really going to beat that shit face to death" I said to no one rubbing the soup at my arms and legs.

As I finish taking a shower, I quickly dry myself and put my uniform on, also my shoes.

I grab my bag swinging it on my shoulder making my way downstairs earning a rant from the old hag about making the alarm clock into dust.

"Sorry" I was shock at what I said even the old hags who widened eyes and mouth agape.

"FORGET WHAT I SAID GODDAMMIT!" I yelled in frustration as I quickly eat my breakfast, drink some water and walk outside slamming the door behind.

"The fuck did I just say!" I shout gaining a stare from the people.

"Mind your fucking damn business extras!" I yelled making them look away as I grumpily walk towards U.A.

As I was to open the door the half-half appears making me shoot a death glare at him.

"Good morning, Bakugou" He greet plainly while I just glare at him tching.

"Morning" I said cupping my mouth and shock at what I said also the half-half looking at me in dumbstruck.

"Did you say 'morning'?" I spat out and grab his collar glaring at him.

"I didn't say shit like that!" I shout infront of his face.

"But I heard it clearly" He said making me piss off.

"Just fucking forget it! And don't you dare to say it to everyone, I'll fucking kill you. DIE!" I said walking first to the classroom and angrily sit at my seat.

"Half-half bastard" I mumbled looking outside of the window.

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