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The creature released another shrieking roar, baring its sharp pointed teeth, as it stretched out a bat-like wing and fluttered down to the floor. It stretched to a stand, towering a good 3 feet over you.

You should've turned around as soon as you heard the first roar. Yoma's used to be some of the most difficult prisoners. The medical personnel of the prison had permission to perform inhumane experiments on them. Those who didn't die, ended up becoming a monster with strength and speed far superior to that of a human. And their main source of food? Humans.

You stood there, legs quaking, urging you to run. Trying to escape would be futile now though. As soon as you'd turn your back, the beast would lunge at you and most likely sink its razor teeth into the junction between your neck and shoulder, before clawing out your entrails.

You stood there trying to think of something, anything! The closest thing you had to a weapon was your wrench. While the wrench may have been effective on Hannyabal back in the Warden's office, you had high doubts it would even put a dent in the creature closing in on you.

You swallowed.

If I'm going to die, I'm going to die fighting!

You reached down for your wrench, mustering up your resolution to put up a fight. The Yoma started to crouch, showing it was about to lunge towards you.

However, before it could complete its positioning, a blonde blur and the glint of a dull blade swooshed past the Yoma's right side.

The creature let out a shrill screech, the stubs where its right wing and its right arm used to be spurted out dark blood.

"Gahhh!" You yelped and stumbled back, falling on your butt as the Yoma's arm landed in your lap, twitching about madly. With a sound of disgust, you scrambled to throw the twitching appendage off.

A series of loud pain-filled shrieks sounded, drawing your attention back towards the Yoma. You sucked in a breath, hardly able to understand what you were seeing. One of the most feared monstrosities of Impel Down's Wild Beast Hell, was standing on quaking legs, on the verge of collapse. Dark rubescent liquid squirted out from where it's arms and wings used to be. More of the thick fluid seeped out from the various deep cuts littered throughout its body. Rivulets of life fluid flowed down its brown body, pooling at its clawed feet.

Pained shrieks transitioned to pained growls, as the Yoma fell to its knees before collapsing completely of the floor.

Your wide eyes focused on the dying creature, unaware that another individual was present until he spoke.

"These worked better than I thought."

Your eyes snapped up at the deep unrecognizable voice. A tall, muscular male, with long blond hair stood off to the left of the hallway, twirling a pair of jagged swords. The rough edges and plates within the blades made it obvious that they weren't created professionally.

The blades weren't the only thing about the male that caught your attention though. You had to swallow when you noticed he was wearing a standard prisoner uniform. A white and blue mask completely covered his face, making it impossible to read his expressions.

You stiffened when he glanced down at you. You were still in disguise and your voice chip had been turned back on earlier. He shouldn't recognize you as a girl, but that didn't mean he would let you live.

Great! Saved from being eaten alive just to be sliced and diced!

"You wouldn't happen to know where the loading deck is?" The mysterious male asked.

Hidden (Kid x Reader; Cyberpunk AU)Where stories live. Discover now